1/24 1941 Willys Americar
Beginning in the 1920s, Willys Overland Motors Co. produced a line of
low end cars, trucks and light commercial vehicles marketed primarily
to rural customers. Rather than comfort and dependability, Willys products
were instead targeted toward the budget minded. Willys introduced the
Americar, as both a Sedan and Coupe in 1941; The Coupe had a wheelbase
only slightly longer than a VW Beetle, and sold for around $630 (about
$100 less than a comparable Ford or Chevrolet). Although vying for production
line space with the much more lucrative Jeep, Willys still managed to
turn out 22,000 Americars in ’41 and a further 7,000 in ’42,
before World War II put an end to civilian car production. In the years
following the war, Americars with dead engines or some other catastrophic
failure (pretty much all of them), where repair costs exceeded the value
of the car, became popular with drag racers. This was due to a short wheel
base, light construction, and no doubt that in most cases a Willys hulk
could be had for the asking. Today, it is almost unheard of to find a
stock Americar.
I was recently looking at a model of the classic Willys Gasser Dragster.
I wondered what the car would have looked like before it was chopped up,
shod with circus tires, and had a nuclear aircraft carrier engine installed.
A couple of weeks of research, along with an illustrated Willys Americar
repair manual, and I was ready to find out. Some sheet styrene, a dab
of putty, and as Jeremy Clarkson would say: “How hard could it be?”
The heart of this project is the “Big John Mazmanian Willys Gasser”
by Revell. The one piece body accurately captures the shape of the Americar
Coupe. The first item of business is to seal up the gaping holes in the
hood and the rear fenders. While the hood was simple enough, the rear
fenders are a little more complex. I traced an outline of the existing
opening on graph paper, then used the front fender wheel openings to trace
the smaller openings. This resulted in a pattern for the plug. The styrene
stock had to be broad enough to account for the fact that the rear fenders
are not slab sided, but curve in several directions. All that remained
was to replace the missing sheet metal in the engine compartment and add
a few details to the firewall.
As with everything else Americar, spartan was the name of the game.
I used the floor pan from the Willys kit. The driver’s seat came
from the second donor kit, the AMT 1940 Ford. I removed the pleated inserts
from the Willys door panels and replaced them with flat styrene. Window
cranks and door handles were found in the spares bin, as were the steering
column and steering wheel.
As well as the domestic market, Willys cars were sold in Australia and
throughout South America. Thus, the instrument cluster was in the center
of the dash to accommodate both left and right hand driving. I used the
Willys kit dashboard, deepening it with 1/8th sheet. I sealed the speedometer
hole and grafted a suitable instrument cluster (spares bin) to the center
of the dash. I then added the choke knob, vent controls, key slot, and
various other details using stretched sprue. The big knob on top of the
dash is the windshield wiper control.
The same “Hurricane” 4 cylinder L Head, 63 raw ground-pounding
horsepower, 134.2 cubic inch engine that powered the Americar was used
in the WWII Jeep (the Jeep engine was detuned to 61hp.). The engine and
transmission came from the third donor kit, the MPC Hogan’s Hero’s
Jeep. I scratchbuilt the water pump, added shifter linkages and clutch
arm. Add plumbing and wiring to taste, and job done.
A humble car should be a humble color. As well as red, blue, green,
and black, Americars were available in the humblest of colors; beige.
Model Master Custom Enamel “Sand Beige” fits the bill perfectly.
The drivers seat and door panel inserts were shot in Tamiya Grey Primer.
The engine block was painted Model Master RAF Interior Green followed
by a thin coat of Future Floor Wax, followed by a wash of Tamiya Smoke.
I used the basic ladder chassis from the Ford, removing the molded on
floorboard. The Ford frame fit perfectly from the very back of the car
to the firewall. Beyond the firewall, much chopping, reshaping, and tweaking
was needed. The rear axle was a standard leaf spring arrangement and came
from spares, while the front end was the ’40 Ford front drop axle
modified for movable steering. Tires and rims were courtesy of the Ford,
as were the hubcaps.
Early on in this project, a fellow modeler suggested that I build the
Willys as it would have appeared during the war years. Great idea! The
first thing a wartime automobile needs is a gas ration card in the windshield.
The “A” card was good for about three gallons of gas per week.
My “A” card was made up of scraps from the decal dungeon.
Another common sight was dilapidated tires. Back in the ‘40s, tires
were almost entirely natural rubber and wore out quickly. To accomplish
the “Maypop” look, I chucked the tires into a Dremel tool.
At the slowest speed, I gently roughed up the tires with 400 grit sandpaper.
Finally, I needed license plates. Prewar, the state of Washington would
issue new license plates annually until ’42. A cruise through the
Internet netted not only a Jpeg image of a ’42 Washington plate,
but an “F” plate too (Whatcom County, my birthplace, in case
you were wondering). I used a computer drafting program to properly size
the image, then printed it on overhead projector transparency. I carefully
cut the plate out and glued it to the holder. As a final touch, the bumpers
and hubcaps were painted with Alclad II Chrome, then gently rubbed to
let the black undercoat show through for a tarnished look; not quite rust,
but certainly heading that way.
How hard was it? Not bad at all. This was a project that definitely
took the path least traveled. Now we can all say that we know what a ’41
Willys Americar would have looked like, before it was chopped up, shod
with circus tires, and had a nuclear aircraft carrier engine installed.