MBI Publishing Company
Michael Green
ISBN 978-0-7603-3351-8
Zenith Press, ©2008
Softbound, 192 pages, color photos $14.99

There have been numerous books written about tanks from the past to
present. Well, here is another one. This time from AFV author Michael
Green. This book covers the main players in tank development namely, Great
Britain, United States, Germany, France and Russia. Each country is historically
covered in a precise and abbreviated chronological manner touching on
tanks that played a significant role either in battle or technological
development. Something that I noticed that was interesting reading were
the 'tank facts' that tell something about a particular technology or
tank itself. Some of these facts range from vehicle specifications to
technological advances and terminology. The quality of color and black/white
photos are very good. Most of these tank photos are those already on display
(static or running) at various museums around the world. I found some
of these photos to be unique and very interesting. A list of chapters
covered includes:
British Tanks
French Tanks
German Tanks
American Tanks
Russian Tanks
Tanks From Other Nations
This is a good book for quick reference and facts. I recommend it to
the tank buff looking for precise information and not a long drawn out
reading. Tank modelers would also benefit from the color photos to replicate
paint schemes and markings. I would like to thank MBI
Publishing for the review book.