Roden 1/48 OV-1C Mohawk
Definition and Nomenclature
is a hairstyle associated with the Punk movement of the early 80's, which
consists of shaving both sides of ones head, leaving a strip of noticeably
longer hair along the middle. One can find these things in Wikipedia.
Mohawk is also a small, twin-turboprop aircraft made in U.S.A. used
mostly for visual, photographic and electronic surveillance and target
spotting in areas of conflict – here I refer to warfare, not soccer
matches. We will focus here forth on this latter definition of the word.
OV-1 is a designation for some 380 airframes built over the 13 years of
production, beginning in 1959. There were many variations introduced over
its lifespan, due to changing requirements and politics. Without pretending
to be an expert on the subject I will just give a short overview of the
Mohawk’s genesis:
OV-1A: day/night photographic reconnaissance; JOV-1 armed reconnaissance
OV-1B: side-looking airborne radar (SLAR)
OV-1C: infrared (IR) reconnaissance
OV-1D: multi-mission, rapid configuration
from its prime customer, the U.S. Army, OV-1 was operated by Germany,
Israel and Argentina - where it is still in use.
This little plane has a peculiar appearance that appeals to some and
disgusts others. Call me kinky, but I like it. With its dragonfly physique,
high engines and triple tail it is hardly going to be mistaken for something
else. There are points on my board for individuality and OV-1 score is
The Kit
box top is quite stirring, with a dramatic wide angle illustration of
a shark-mouthed OV-1C with ambitions to impress in a sweeping pass. Slightly
perturbed Charles Bronson looks up, alas neglecting the fact that a huge
ZIL truck is about to run him over.
the accompanying pictures you can see most of what comes in the box. Some
parts are missing from the trees – sorry, I am a modeler not a collector
– but those are shown in a group image later on. The main parts
seem to go together with ease. Overall dimensions agree with the published
numbers for this aircraft. The model feels at home in 1/48 scale; big
enough for detailing work, yet not too bulky for handling.
reviewing a new kit, the focus usually settles on quality of parts and
their exact agreement to the set of drawings that one assumes for manifestation
of correctness. Important factors without a doubt, but they fail to include
the main reason why someone should buy the kit: the subject. No matter
how perfect the plastic is, it cannot supplement the interest in what
it represents. On the other hand, if I one is very keen to build a model
of some subject, one is also willing to compromise a bit on the number
of its rivets. So there should be always a factor putting in balance kits
quality and finesse with its uniqueness. In this respect, Roden seems
to be continuously playing very near this fragile equilibrium: their kits
are mostly
singular subjects, and as such also decent kits. The Mohawk is no different.
With Roden one is never really certain how to define it. OV-1C is surely
not a “short-run”, even in the revised, “high-expectation”
lingo of today. This is already a fourth member in the 1/48 Mohawk lineage,
so in this respect Roden acts pretty much like Hasegawa: carefully staggered
release of as many versions as possible to maximize return. There is also
a fact that gentlemen from Eduard already offer a tidal wave of photo-etched
goodies for this family of kits, and they don’t usually do that
for something that is cottage industry. On the other hand, one cannot
expect to find Tamiya-like fit, surface finish and detail finesse in the
Roden box. Don’t wait for this one to assemble itself. Sandpaper,
putty, and patience shall be your companions on this journey, with gratifying
results if the old-school of building is obeyed. This is what modeling
is all about, right?
surfaces will have to be fine-sanded to bring them to the desired smoothness.
Some assemblies will require extra care. Cockpit canopy has a complex
shape and from the ones who have already built this bird comes a caution
to carefully dry-fit its elements, as well as the central ceiling console
that should snugly fit under the canopy. While on this subject, let me
say that the transparent parts are well rendered. They are sufficiently
thin and reasonably clear. Some corners will still benefit from polishing
with micromesh. If you plan to display the cockpit doors open, check your
references carefully. Upper rim is NOT the hinge line. Actually, the upper
edge of the side panel slides under the lip of the top canopy, as it opens.
This is not mentioned in the instructions.
is sufficiently detailed. Roden includes transparent instrument panel
with the clever, reverse-printed decal for the instruments – the
face is on the adhesive side of this decal, so it should be applied under
the control panel, with instruments showing through the glass. Seats are
well-detailed multi-element assemblies, but lack the harness. There is
even a separate fire extinguisher to go on the aft bulkhead. And for those
masochists who have to complicate things while paying more, there’s
a plethora of aftermarket sets to pimp-up the office too. I ordered my
“Big Ed” of course, whereas for resin-lovers there are several
sets by the Cobra Company.
level of detail continues throughout: landing gear, engines and under-wing
pylons. Only the front wheel bay looks far too bare for my taste. This
was an engineering compromise, as it is cast in one piece with the cockpit
The propeller blades are separate and the hub is made in two parts:
cone and back-disk. Here comes another assembly tip not mentioned in the
instructions: unless someone plans to create an action scene with this
model, the propellers need to be feathered, as this was the default state
for Mohawk at rest, to prevent wind-milling.
Decals are glossy and well printed with plentiful stencil markings.
One can chose between three different aircraft, alas all of them in the
monochrome olive-drab overalls; appropriate for taking cover in the shrubs
of south-east Asia, but not supreme for standing out on the contest table…
glad to say that this is another fine and unique kit from Roden. Despite
the small quibbles I find it very credible and well contained.
As long as the high street of kit industry continues with the self-indulging
extravaganza of Messerschmitts and Focke-Wulfs, there will be enough room
for others to play in an infinitely more interesting field of less-advertised
Bravo Roden! I will no doubt enjoy building, as opposed to assembling,
this one. Please bring us more of these nice twin-props. How about the
unjustly forgotten IA-58 “Pucara” in the same scale?
Thanks to Roden for the review
sample. |