RS Models 1/72 Ki-60 IJA Heavy Fighter
Before and during WWII Japanese aircraft design was centered almost
exclusively around radial-engine power plants. The one notable exception
during the war was the well known Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien (Swallow). During
the inter-war period the Kawasaki Kokuki Kogyo K.K. was the exception
to the rule of radial-engine aircraft in promoting the use of liquid-cooled
engines. In 1940 Kawasaki was given the green light by the Koku Hombu
to design two aircraft around the DB 601A engine: the Ki-60, a heavy interceptor,
and the Ki-61, a lighter all-purpose fighter. Design emphasis was to be
on the Ki-60.
Ki-60 was a product of the design team of Takeo Doi and Shin Owada. The
aircraft was powered by a DB 601A engine, and was armed with two fuselage
mounted 12.7 mm Ho-103 MG’s and two wing-mounted 20 mm Mauser MG
151 cannon. The first prototype was completed and flown in early 1941,
but the test pilots did not like the high wing loading, high landing speed,
and the top speed, which came in at 550 kmh/352 mph, well below Kawasaki’s
calculated top speed. The second prototype had an increased wing area,
a redesigned cowling, and was lightened. Even with these improvements,
the top speed was still short of expectations, coming in at only 560 kmh/348
mph. The third, and last, prototype retained the larger wing of the second
aircraft, and saw further redesign of the cowling, and change in armament
in the wings from the MG 151’s to Ho-103 MG’s. Even with these
improvements, the Ki-60 was judged to be too slow, and was dropped in
favor of the lighter and faster Ki-61. The rest, as they say, is history
The Kit
Models kit of the Ki-60 Heavy Fighter comes in the familiar end opening
box, with box art depicting a Ki-60 maneuvering against a B-25. The back
of the box is used a painting and decal placement guide with color call
outs for Agama and Gunze Sangyo paints. Contained therein are thirty-one
nicely molded, light tan pieces on one injection-molded sprue. The injection-molded
pieces comprise the usual suspects of major parts (wings, fuselage, seat,
wheels, etc.) and exhibit very nicely done recessed panel lines. The mold
gates are reasonably small considering the limited run nature of this
kit. (It would seem that many of the Eastern manufacturers have been noted
for using smaller mold gates of late.) There is some flash, but nothing
that a quick swipe with sandpaper won’t take care of. There is one
noticeable “blob” of plastic in the leading edge of the port
lower wing, but this can be easily taken care of with sandpaper and modeling
skills. The horizontal tail surfaces have been molded with very petite
tabs with corresponding slots in the fuselage halves. Care will have to
be exercised in cutting these from the sprue in order not eliminate them.
The plastic is rounded out by a nicely molded, although relatively thick,
canopy. This will please those who like limited run kits, but do not like
working with vac-formed canopies.
with various scribes and sages has revealed that the plastic in the kit
(the same plastic is in both releases) represents the first prototype,
and that if one wishes to build the second or third prototypes, surgery
will be involved. The prop, however, is the shorter one utilized in the
second and third prototypes. Not many photos exist of the Ki-60, and the
individual modeler will have to decided if it is worth his time to alter
the wings or the prop depending on what aircraft one wishes to model.
There are two sheets of very nice pre-colored/painted photo-etch by
Eduard. These parts provide the now familiar instrument panel sandwich,
seatbelts, oleo scissors, landing-gear door actuators, etc. Cable controls
for the ailerons are provided, but do not show up in the photos of the
prototype. The modeler is not given a choice between p/e and plastic on
some pieces, and for some this may be a down side as some modelers do
not like working in p/e. If the latter is the case, some scratch-building
in plastic will be in order.
decals are very nicely printed, and appear in good register. The painting
and decal placement guide is on the back of the kit box, with Agama and
Gunze Sangyo paint call outs. The painting guide shows two fictional schemes
for Ki-60’s stationed in Japan in 1944. The other boxing of this
kit contains decals for the first prototype and another fictional scheme.
As I am led to understand it, both boxings of this kit are virtually the
same except for the decals. Unless the modeler enjoys fictional schemes,
he is left with reproducing one of the three prototypes as the Ki-60 never
saw combat.
RS Models is to be commended for providing WWII Japanese aircraft fans
with an injection-molded kit that will fill a gap in any 1/72nd scale
IJAAF collection. The kit is nicely molded, comes with great photo-etch,
and beautifully printed decals. Thanks to RS
Models for the review sample. This is one kit that will look great
next to a Fine Molds Ki-61! |