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  2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
  3. Are you sure that the database server is running?
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Cutting Edge 1/48 SR-71A/B, YF-12, A-12 Blackbird Super Detailed Nozzles

Cutting Edge 1/48 SR-71A/B, YF-12, A-12 Blackbird Super Detailed Nozzles

By Chris Banyai-Riepl

Easily one of the most impressive aircraft ever built, the SR-71 has been the subject of quite a few kits over the years. However, only Testors has tackled this subject in 1/48, and although the kit is quite good, there are some areas that could stand some improvement. Cutting Edge has started coming out with some new sets for this big kit, and this set is the first one out of the chute.

The exhaust nozzles of the SR-71 family are some very interesting assemblies, ones that really have to be seen to comprehend. Luckily, Cutting Edge had one close by to work with, and the result really shows. Coming in three pieces for each side, these are pretty much a direct replacement for the kit parts, and the only real challenge will be with painting these up. While the exterior is simple, the interior of the nozzle is a colorful blend of blacks, browns, and grays. I recommend finding some good color photos to work from for finishing these.

If you have a Testors 1/48 SR-71 hiding in the closet, it might be time to pull it out and start working on it. Hopefully we will see more detail sets from Cutting Edge, such as a cockpit or landing gear set. My thanks to Meteor Productions for the review sample.