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    Error establishing a database connection!
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  2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
  3. Are you sure that the database server is running?
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    Error selecting database shb1_200_1!
  1. Are you sure it exists?
  2. Are you sure there is a valid database connection?

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Hobby Boss 1/48 M4A3E8 Korean War Sherman

Hobby Boss 1/48 M4A3E8 Korean War Sherman

By Gerry Nilles

Have you ever been browsing at you local hobby shop and spotted a kit that immediately gets your interest. You might say that is what happened to me when I saw the new Hobby Boss 1/48 Korean War M4A3E8 kit. Now I have been a fan of US armor for a long time, but for various reasons, including the choice of scales, I have not built much of it. But recently, at IPMS meetings and regional model shows, I have seen more and more of the newly released 1/48 armor show up, and have been very impressed. As I side note I am aware that over the years there have been a number of 1/48 armor kits released by manufactures including Aurora and Bandai. But, the scale never seemed to catch on, and quite frankly I don’t ever remember seeing finished examples of any of these kits showing up at model meetings or shows. Now days 1/48 armor, in many cases, has its own category at shows.

The Kit

As for the new Hobby Boss Easy 8 kit, what a fun weekend build. The kit although not simplistic goes together fairly easy. The only challenge was correctly shaping and attaching the rather delicate photo-etched light guards. Other nice features of the kit are separately cast individual hand tools, vinyl tracks and all sorts of extra goodies including a tree of five each Havre sacks, three different styles of back packs (again five each), a fuel can, a 5 gal drum and a wooden ammo box. Markings provided in the kit gives the builder a choice of two rather colorful Korean War “Tiger” schemes. I picked “Skeeter Hawk” the less elaborate one.


This was just a fun weekend build. I was happy with the results and intend to build a lot more in this scale. Also, I should note that with the new Hobby Boss releases plus what Tamiya already has on the market almost all the major Sherman variants are now available in 1/48.