Alanger's 1/35 Russian NKVD Troops (1943-1945)
Figure Set Review
set of special anti-terrorist troops contain four complete figures with
full field gear and weapons. All figures are in various standing poses
including a commanding officer. Two submachine guns, one holstered pistol,
one rifle along with ammunition drums and pouches are provided. There
are four field caps. Field gear includes canteens, shovels, and an open
book. All figures are cast with the tall marching boots and earlier style
uniform tunics with pleated pockets.
figure is assembled from separate head, legs, arms and torso. The heads
are well sculpted but each show a similar expression. Assembly does not
appear to be complicated at all.
Of note, there are four extra heads and rain smocks that are documented
as unused. They appear to be Cossacks soldiers which are a bonus if you
need a head or two for later projects.
The kit exhibits minor flash and mold seams that are easily removed. There
appears to be no shrinkage or dimpling. There does not appear an easy
way to add rifle slings. The box art shows four figures in realistic standing
poses and the color renderings are very helpful in painting them.
These figures are of nice quality and to some extent but not quite
equal to current Tamiya or Dragon figures. The one piece accessories are
a nicely detailed and the overall molding more than acceptable. I would
recommend this figure set to any modeler who wants to add character to
their model or diorama. I would like to thank Alanger
for the review kit