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  2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
  3. Are you sure that the database server is running?
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Decales de Guido 1/144 Delta Air Lines New Colors 757-200

Decales de Guido 1/144 Delta Air Lines New Colors 757-200

By Mike Egan

To celebrate their exit from Chapter 11 Bankruptcy reorganization, the management of Delta Air Lines rolled out a new corporate identity. The widget returns to the tail of the aircraft, though now in a slightly different form. The two colors of the widget are now separated down the vertical axis, rather than in top and bottom sections. Also, the widget is applied at an angle on the aircraft’s tail, and is partially cut off. Needless to say, the new scheme has more than its fair share of detractors, especially among the widget “purists.” Another change is that the previously all-white fuselage now has a dark blue underside. The first aircraft to be unveiled was B757-232 N638DL.

This decal is intended for the 1/144 Minicraft or Welsh B757-200 kits, with Pratt & Whitney engines. After painting the fuselage white, the modeler will need to paint the vertical tail, engine nacelles, and lower fuselage dark blue. From the looks of it, FS 15050 would be a great match. Wings and horizontal stabilizers are Boeing gray with bare metal leading edges and corogard center sections. All fuselage titles, windows, doors, overwing escape paths, and logos are included on the decal sheet. In addition to the solid gray cockpit windscreen, a clear one with silver window framing is included for those who build their models with open windows. The titles and registrations are laid out with the fuselage windows so as to be applied in one piece. Extra numbers and letters are provided to allow most of the Delta 757 fleet to be modeled, as more real aircraft are painted in the new colors. Even the special message to CEO Jerry Grinstein is included. Print quality is excellent, noticeably improved over some of the earlier Guido sheets. Color saturation seems to be excellent, and the smaller details are sharp. Like other Decales de Guido sheets, these decals are printed on a solid sheet of clear carrier film, which means each artwork piece must be cut out individually before putting the decals in water.

This decal joins the other subjects in the Decales de Guido portfolio, including several Delta subjects. Contact Airline Hobby Supplies (www.airline-hobby.com) to see all the sheets that are available.