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Avi Print 1/72nd P-47D Part 2

Avi Print 1/72nd P-47D Part 2

By Matt Bittner

This release from Avi Print handles the following P-47s:

  • P-47D-25RE of the 82nd FS, 78th FG, Duxford, Summer 1944
  • P-47D-22RE of the 410th FS, 373rd FG, France, Summer 1944
  • P-47D-4 of the 341st FS, 348th FG, New Guinea, Late 1943-early '44, Pilot Lt.Col. Robert Rowland ("Pride of Lodi Ohio", "Miss Mutt III")
  • P-47D-30RA of the 5th FS, 1st Air Commando Group, Burma 1944 (tail numer 432718)
  • P-47D-30RA of the 5th FS, 1st Air Commando Group, Burma 1944 (tail number 432710)

Decals are in register and are beautifully printed. This is my first Avi Print decal sheet, and it definitely won't be my last.

Some of the P-47s will need modification - for example, "Miss Mutt III" will require a replacement cowl and possible removal of the "hump" on the underside of the fuselage. However, in this example, Quickboost does a replacement cowl and the "hump" removal is nothing but modeling skills. Unfortunately none of this is pointed out in the instructions, except for the type of props each require. Still, with the right amount of research, you should be able to figure out what needs modification, if any.

Overall an excellent sheet of decals, and if any of these schemes strike your fancy then definitely pick it up. I was born and raised only 20 minutes from Lodi, Ohio, so I will use this scheme on a Tamiya P-47. (Recommended kits are the Tamiya for the D-4, D-22 Razorback and Bubbletop, and the Revell for the D-30 Bubbletop). Highly recommended.

Thanks to Eduard for the review samples.