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DRAW Decal Set 10/20/44-767-21 Airborne Express 767-200s

DRAW Decal Set 10/20/44-767-21 Airborne Express 767-200s

By Mike Egan

In 1998, Airborne Express began Boeing 767-200 Freighter operations. The initial aircraft were converted passenger aircraft primarily from All Nippon (ANA) and TWA. Because of the unique small container system used at Airborne, the company did not have to install a full-sized main deck cargo door during the conversion process. Since the purchase of Airborne’s ground delivery network by DHL, and the subsequent spin-off of the airline as ABX Air (now a DHL contractor), new ABX 767 conversions are getting full-sized cargo doors to better fit the DHL network. DRAW Decal has added this sheet representing the original Airborne Express 767s to its expansive line of airliner decals.

This decal is intended for the Doyusha 1/100th scale 767-200 kit, a converted 1/144th scale Revell-Germany B767-300 kit or the 1/200th scale Hasegawa 767-200 kit. My review sample is 1/200th scale. The DRAW Decal website has downloadable instructions in .pdf format for converting the Revell 767-300 kit into a –200 (Click on the Downloads Link). The instruction sheet provides a full color left side profile of the aircraft. The overall fuselage and engine nacelles are gloss gray, with Boeing 707 gray wings and horizontal stabs. For the 1/144th and 1/100th scale sheets, the modeler will need to paint the vertical stabilizer red, except for the rudder (the 1/200 sheet includes a decal for the red tail). All cockpit and fuselage windows are included on the decal sheet. As with newer DRAW Decal releases, the titles, windows, and door outlines are laid out on the decal sheet so as to be used as one complete piece, ensuring proper alignment. The print quality of these decals is terrific. The detail level of the smaller items is quite crisp and clear. Included is a thin silver strip to represent the bare metal leading edge of the vertical stabilizer. Extra numbers are provided for additional registration numbers. These and all other ALPS-type decals are printed on one continuous layer of clear carrier film, and thus, each decal element MUST be cut individually from the sheet prior to soaking in water. Extra care is required when using these decals, as they are also thinner than most silkscreen printed decals.

This decal will help the modeler add a colorful 767 to their collection. Review sample courtesy of DRAW Decal. Be sure to visit the DRAW Decal website to see the entire line of terrific decals.