Luftwaffe Anti-Shipping Units
Volume 1
By Chris Goss
Classic Publications, ©2006
ISBN 1-903223-55-5
Softbound, 96 Pages
Continuing their solid examination of the Luftwaffe during
the Second World War, the people at Classic Publications have come out
with their first volume on the maritime warriors. This book details the
development and operational history of the Luftwaffe’s anti-shipping
units through 1941. The maritime units, in my opinion, were some of the
most interesting, as they flew a wide variety of aircraft. These ranged
from float planes such as the He 59 and He 115 to land-based aircraft
such as the Ju 88 and Fw 200. This book presents them all in the usual
quality manner we have come to expect from Classic.
The text is well written and tells the story well. Like other titles
in this series, the text is interspersed with anecdotes that expand the
story beautifully. Complementing this are plenty of great photos. Be ready
to find another use for those Heinkel He 111s and Junkers Ju 88s you have
laying around. For those of you who have bought the Trumpeter 1/48 Fw
200, this is a book you definitely want to get a hold of, as that plane
gets ample coverage. Backing up the photos are several nice color profiles,
done to the usual high level.
Overall, this is an excellent continuation of what is proving to be
an incredibly thorough coverage of the Luftwaffe during World War II.
My thanks to Specialty Press for
the review copy.