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Westland Lysander

Westland Lysander

By James Kightly
Mushroom Model Publications, ©2006
ISBN 83-917178-4-4
Softbound, 208 Pages

Reviewed by Chris Banyai-Riepl

This may just be my failing eyesight, but it sure seems that Mushroom Model Publications have been getting bigger and bigger. This weighty book comes in at over 200 pages, which I believe is the largest title Mushroom has produced in their small format. At least the subject warrants that kind of coverage, as the Westland Lysander is one plane that has an extremely fascinating history. This plane was originally designed as an Army co-operation aircraft, but soon was used for just about everything, from training to combat. This book presents this plane in a detailed and thorough manner, one which is a joy to read. The operational record alone will keep you riveted into the wee hours of the night.

The second word in Mushroom’s name, though, is Model, and this book doesn’t let the modeler down at all. In addition to the great historical text, this book is packed with the usual high quality scale drawings we have come to expect from Mushroom Model Publications. These include all the main variants of the Lysander, as well as many of the prototypes for different projects. Smaller scrap views present information on different main gear weapon layouts. While drawings are good, what really helps bring them to life are detail photos, and this book has plenty of those. The Lysander is relatively well preserved in museums, with many examples around the world. The detail photos reflect that, and leave no spot unseen. Rounding out the book is the usual selection of color profiles, illustrating many of the different schemes worn by this famous plane.

For those who have been waiting for the ultimate reference on the Lysander, wait no more. This book is well worth the price as it is filled to bursting with excellent information, both written and visual. Now if only Tamiya would do a 1/72 Lysander.

My thanks to Mushroom for the review copy.