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  2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
  3. Are you sure that the database server is running?
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Italeri 1/35th Sd. Anhanger 51

Italeri 1/35th Sd. Anhanger 51

By Vic Mattes


When most think of armor models, tanks, half-tracks and trucks come to mind. It’s not often that one thinks of trailers?? Well that is what Italeri has provided in this kit. Two munitions trailers suitable for towing behind about anything I would guess; from a Kettenrad to a 251 Halftrack, from a Demag D7 to a Kubelwagen. I would even venture to guess these could and may have been towed behind the early Panzers (not entirely sure why but they could have). After all, where does the infantry resupply from? There is only so much one man can carry and to return to the depot every time one needs to rearm does seem a bit pointless… how would one hold ground gained then?

The Kit

Italeri presents a nice kit to build two munitions trailers. The 50 pieces for each trailer are contained on two sprues. There are also three sets of soldiers gear (ok… a gun, gask mask container and a helmet) with each trailer. Interestingly, and no I don’t know why, one set of sprues is enclosed in plastic wrap while the other isn’t… go figure. The pieces are well detailed. I have included a picture of the interior provided by Italeri that shows the tops of ammunition containers along with a magazine (kinda wish the magazines had been loose for the modeler to place as he desired). There is no… and I do mean no, flash on any piece but then with today’s quality, this should be the standard. The pieces are nicely detailed and sharp in appearance.

The instructions are short and to the point. 5 steps is all there are. The assembly actually begins with the trailer box in steps 1 and 2. An adaptation I could see one considering is building the trailer without the ammunition interior such that the trailer could be used to haul stores or parts of various kinds. Steps 3 and 4 assemble the trailer frame itself. The final step brings the wheels, frame and box together… nothing difficult here. Although it is a simple build, there are decisions to be made even if built out of the box. Will the top be open or closed? Will the trailer be rigged for towing or sitting on the support? Decisions, decisions.

The kit is well put together and looks to provide even the avid modeler with an afternoon or evening of fun that he or she could be proud of. I look forward to getting to this kit soon (and no, I don’t know if it will be towed.. or by what).

Thanks to Testors for sending the review sample.