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  2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
  3. Are you sure that the database server is running?
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  1. Are you sure it exists?
  2. Are you sure there is a valid database connection?

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Episode 3: The Philadelphia Experiment 2 and the "Phoenix"

The REEL Planes(an occasional series)

Episode 3: The Philadelphia Experiment 2 and the "Phoenix"

By Terry Moore

Brad Johnson stars in this time travel opus about a stealth fighter that is sent back into time to 1943 where it falls into the hands of the Nazis. They immediately use it to win WWII and turn the USA into a bleak industrial outpost for their Third Reich.

It is up to the film's hero, David Herdeg (who seems to be immune to altered time lines because of his unique DNA - a handy plot device to explain away many of the paradoxes that are usually associated with time travel movies) to restore things back to normal . Philadelphia Experiment 2 is hard to watch (for me, anyway) and there are just too many plot holes - enough to fly a Stealth fighter through! And why is it the Nazis are such incredibly poor shots?

The ONLY thing that attracted me to this movie was the F-117 Stealth fighter that appears in German markings. It was pretty tough for me to sit through this movie just to see the few scenes that involved the aircraft. So much so that I don't remember much about the movie until the end when the "Phoenix", as the Germans called it, gets blown up. The aircraft used in the movie was a full size prop and I can't vouch for it's accuracy, although it looked pretty good on the small screen.

I used the 48th scale Testors F-117 kit to represent the "Phoenix", and built it straight out of the box. The markings were the prewar red band/white circle/swastika on the tails with crosses and unit codes in the standard(!) locations on the wings & fuselage. I masked and painted the red stripe/white circle on the tail and the remainder of the markings came from decal spares box.
It's currently available on DVD. Save your money.

Notable quote: I don't remember any!

I give the overall movie a half a star only, but the "Phoenix" scenes 2 stars(**).

The popcorn is on. See ya next time.