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Trumpeter 1/25 American LaFrance Eagle Pumper

Trumpeter 1/25 American LaFrance Eagle Pumper

By Gerry Nilles


The history of American LaFrance, as one of the best known builders of fire fighting apparatus, dates back to the 1870s. Of course the modern fire engine, as we now know it today, really didn’t come about until the early part of the twentieth century. It was the internal combustion engine that changed both the world of general transportation as well as that of emergency vehicles. American LaFrance entered the new era of gas powered fire engines slowly. The change from steam was not easy for them. But once they made the transition they went on to become a leader of fire fighting technology. Their equipment over the last nine decades is known for both excellent performance and style.

It was American LaFrance that first marketed the now standard cab forward design with its 1940 model JOX. This was followed, soon after WWII, by the well know 700 series, as well as the 900 (the old AMT kit) and 1000 series. Today we have the Eagle series which appeared in the 1990s.

The Kit

Kits of fire engines are not common to say the least, especially in 1/25th scale. As a matter of fact the last 1/25th scale plastic and I believe only kit of a fire engine was originally released over 20 years ago. It too was an American LaFrance. So I believe that saying the new Trumpeter American LaFrance Eagle kit is extremely welcomed is an understatement.

The kit includes 10 individual injection molded trees, two of which are clear parts and one of chrome, plus the cab and the frame. Also included is a sheet of photo etched steel, six vinyl tires, as well as a large decal sheet. Assembly is very straight forward starting with the frame assembly, the pump, the suspension and the wheels and tires. Once this is completed, including painting, the next assembly is the pumper housing (also called the pumper case). There are a lot of details here, with many small parts and subassemblies to be built and pre-paint. I probably spent at least 12 hours on this section including the application of numerous small decals which require some very accurate placement.

I should note here that I made one small modification to the right side of the casing. A line that looks like an electrical cable runs from the top of the casing to a box about half way down. Actually this line is the hose that is coming of the reel that is located inside the top of the casing. I simply smoothed it off and replaced it with a fine piece of wire that I tied into the hose reel.

The next assembly is the main hose bed and gear storage assembly. Again there are a lots of parts, but not as many as the pump case assembly. The final assembly is the drive and crew cab. The cab assembly is similar to the pumper case assembly in that there are a lot of parts to be pre-painted prior to assembly including the interior.

Summing it up this kit is actually four smaller kits making up one big one. As a matter of fact the construction is very modular. All in all it is not a hard build just not a fast one. The only advice I have is that the builder should not over handle any of the chrome parts because the plating is very thin and wears off easily.


The kit comes with a beautiful set of high quality decals for a colorful Eagle Pumper that is used by the College Park Fire department. The decals are very well done and of good registration. I should note that the scheme I used on the sample I built will eventually be finished as a Seattle Fire Department pumper. But the SFD custom decals I was having done were not finished in time to make this month's issue. When finish it will be revisited by this publication.


Many of us have been waiting for a modern day fire engine for a long time and I for one am very happy with this kit and would highly recommend it. This kit is very well done with very few problems. Also, judging from the models modular construction other versions could be fairly easily done.

My thanks to Stevens International and Trumpeter for the sample copy.