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    Error establishing a database connection!
  1. Are you sure you have the correct user/password?
  2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
  3. Are you sure that the database server is running?
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    Error selecting database shb1_200_1!
  1. Are you sure it exists?
  2. Are you sure there is a valid database connection?

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FCM 1/48 Luftwaffe Squadron Emblems

FCM 1/48 Luftwaffe Squadron Emblems

Reviewed by Chris Banyai-Riepl

While aftermarket decal sheets abound for Luftwaffe subjects, often times modelers have a specific aircraft in mind that cannot be found on any of these sheets. To make these aircraft, this can sometimes mean purchasing multiple decal sheets just to get the right emblems needed. FCM has taken a different approach with this sheet, which has nothing but squadron emblems, and lots of them. They include the following:

I/JG 1 (II/JG 27), 7/JG 1, III/JG 1 (early), III/JG 1 (late), JG 2 (two variants), II/JG 2, 9/JG 2, JG 3 (two variants), I/JG 3 (II JG 1), 1/JG 3 (4/JG 1), 2/JG 3 (5/JG 1), 3/JG 3 (6/JG 1), II/JG 3, III/JG 3, III/JG 5, 8/JG 5, 14(J)/JG 5, JG 6, JG 26, II/JG 26, I/JG 27, II/JG 27, JG 51, I/JG 51, 7/JG 51, 9/JG 51 (3/JG 20), III/JG 52 (late), 2/JG 52, JG 53 (two variants), JG 54, I/JG 54, II/JG 54, 2/JG 54, III/JG 54 (I/JG 21), IV/JG 54, 9/JG 54, Stab/JG 77, JG 77, I/JG77, II/JG 77 (early), II/JG 77 (late), III/JG 77 (early), III/JG 77 (late), 3/JG 300, 2/JG 400, I/ZG 1 (I/NJG 2), III/ZG 76, 1-4-5-6/ZG 52, I/StG 1, 7/StG 1, Stab I/StG 2, 2/StG 2, IV/JG 27, 4/StG 2 (Africa), 4/StG 2, 4/StG 77, 5/StG 77, 7/StG 77, 11/StG 77, LG 1, 1/LG 2, 3(F)/123, Stab/KG 3 (early), Stab II/KG 3, Stab III/KG 3, Stab/KG 30 (two variants), 2/Aufk.Gr. 123, 3/StG 2, III/JG 2 (early), III/JG 2 (late).

As you can see, that is quite a list of emblems, but by no means is it a complete list. These do make a rather serious dent into the Luftwaffe emblem bank, though, and this is one decal set that Lufwaffe lovers should not pass by. My thanks to FCM for the review sample.