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Walk Around F-8 Crusader

Walk Around F-8 Crusader

By Ed Barthelmes
Squadron/Signal Publications, ©2005
ISBN 0-89747-484-8
Softbound, 80 Pages
Available from Squadron for $13.46

Reviewed by Chris Banyai-Riepl

The latest title in the Walk Around series is a welcome one for those building the new Hasegawa 1/48 or Academy 1/72 Crusader kits. The Crusader held the record for the highest kill ratio of any Navy fighter during the Vietnam War, and it remained in frontline service until 1999, when the final French example was retired. This impressive history is buttressed by an aggressive yet attractive appearance, with its sharply pointed nose, gaping chin air intake, and adjustable main wing being distinctive trademarks of the Crusader. Few who have seen this plane will ever forget it.

This latest Walk Around does the Crusader justice, too. The photo walk around takes a logical progression, from the front to the rear, with each main section getting extensive coverage. Following each section carefully, with a kit close at hand, the modeler could improve or superdetail to their heart's content. The section on the cockpit covers several different variants, too, a feature that shows up throughout the book. This will be of great help to those wanting to do an early Crusader, for example.

In addition to the photos, there are several color profiles showing different marking schemes, and many sketches and drawings throughout that show the Crusader quite well. Overall this is an excellent reference on the Crusader and will be of great use to modelers. My thanks to Squadron for the review sample.