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RS Models 1/72 Tatra T-131

RS Models 1/72 Tatra T-131

By Chris Banyai-Riepl


The highly successful Bücker Bü 131 Jungmann was so popular that the Tatra company obtained license production in 1935. Called the T-131, a total of 35 aircraft were produced at the Studenka plant starting in 1936. These license-built aircraft were powered by Hirth HM 504A-2 engines, which were also license-produced under the name T-100.

The Kit

RS Model's 1/72 T-131 kit is a combination of injection plastic and cast resin, with a small fret of photoetch providing some details. The light gray plastic parts are well detailed, with just a bit of cleanup needed. The resin is in the typical cream colored resin and is crisply cast, while the photoetch is up to the expected high quality seen from the Czech Republic. The decal sheet provides markings for two aircraft.

Construction of this model is very straightforward. The interior has a rudimentary floor, with separate seats and instrument panels. There is plenty of room here for extra detailing, should the modeler choose to do so. The photoetch fret provides seat belts and the instrument panels. The fuselage halves secure all of this in between, and is capped by a separate nose piece.

The wings are molded as solid pieces, with the proper dihedral in place. This will make alignment very easy, once the lower wing is attached to the fuselage. The horizontal stabilizer is one piece as well, and fits into a notch in the rear fuselage. The rudder is separate, and can be positioned offset if one chooses. The landing gear has a couple of options, one being wheels and the other skis.

The decal options both have civil registration codes, one being OK-TAA and the other OK-TAC. They are both finished similarly, in an overall silver finish. OK-TAA is depicted on skis, while OK-TAC has the Slovakian national markings on the vertical fin. The decals are nicely printed and should pose no problems in application.


This is a nice little model of a famous aircraft. While it is boxed as a Tatra T-131, it could just as easily be used as a Bücker Bü 131, which opens up a huge world of marking options. My thanks to RS Models for the review sample.