RS Models 1/72 Marton X/V Heavy
This is from the instructions, as I had never heard of this aircraft.
In 1943 the Marton XV-01 was developed as a heavy fighter. The twin-boomed
tricycle gear design was designed to use two DB 605 engines, one tractor
and one pusher. It was to be armed with a 30mm engine-mounted cannon,
two heavy machine guns in the cowling, and additional cannons in the
wing roots and boom leading edges. This would make for a very heavy hitting
aircraft. The aircraft was to have an ejection seat, designed on a twin
rail system powered by a spring. In 1944, the fuselage and wing structure
were completed, but they were destroyed in an Allied bombing raid in
April 1944.
The Kit
If you are looking for the unusual, this airplane definitely qualifies.
The kit is molded in tan colored resin, with a vacuformed canopy. The
parts are cleanly molded, with recessed panel lines. The small decal
sheet provides markings for a hypothetical Hungarian aircraft.
The twin boom design of this aircraft makes construction somewhat different
than would be expected. The main fuselage assembly is as one would expect,
though, with a detailed cockpit fitting between the two fuselage halves.
There is rudimentary detail molded onto the fuselage halves, and once
finished this interior will be just fine. As this plane was never completed,
this is entirely conjectural, as are the colors.
Once the main fuselage pod is finished, the rest of the assembly should
go smoothly. The wings are a butt joint to the fuselage, as are the tail
booms. For strength, the modeler should probably pin both of these items.
The landing gear looks good, but could also stand to be strengthened
with pins. The instructions do not mention it, but this model might need
extra weight in the nose to keep it on all three gear.
The painting instructions suggest that the aircraft be painted in overall
RLM 71 dark green over RLM 76 light blue. As the aircraft was never completed,
the modeler could finish this kit in any late-war camouflage pattern
and it would look good. The decals provide rudder colors and Hungarian
national insignia. The spares box could be hit up for Luftwaffe markings,
if one so chooses. The decals look to be well printed, with no visible
problem areas.
While this aircraft was never built, it was attempted, so it is not
a complete paper project. The interesting shape would make for a great
addition to any WW2 collection. My thanks to RS
Models for the review