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Newman R&D 1/72 Northrop JB-1 "Bat"

Newman R&D 1/72 Northrop JB-1 "Bat"

By Chris Banyai-Riepl


The JB-1 was a manned glider designed to test the concept of the jet propelled bomb that Northrop was developing. On August 27, 1943, the first JB-1 was towed to altitude and released for its first glide flight over Roger Dry Lake at Muroc AAB. The aircraft was a successful glider, and made several test flights throughout 1944, until the design was retired. For several decades, the JB-1 belonged to the Northrop Aeronautical Institute until 1984, when it was restored and put on display at the Western Museum of Flight in Hawthorne, California.

The Kit

This is a very simple model to build, as it is basically just a flying wing. There are only ten pieces in this kit, with the majority being detail pieces. The largest piece is the solid wing piece, which is oddly colored due to the embedded metal pieces that should keep this from being a tail dragger. The cockpit has a separate instrument panel and control stick, with a separate upper decking to make painting this interior simple. The remaining pieces make up the various small details, such as the rear fin, landing gear, pitot tube, and venturi.

The decal sheet is small, as would be expected for such a small aircraft. In fact, the only markings provided are the national insignia, a Northrop triangle for the nose, and two red circles for atop the pods adjacent to the main fuselage. Overall coloration is yellow.


This is a very simple model of a unique little glider, and will make for a great weekend project. My thanks to Muroc Models for the review sample. Muroc Models are available from the AFFTC Museum gift shop. Contact Doug Nelson, Director, AFFTC Museum, phone: (661) 277-8050 for ordering information.