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Master Box, Ltd 1/35 German Tank Crews, 1943-1945

Master Box, Ltd 1/35 German Tank Crews, 1943-1945

Kit # - 361

By Mark Smith

Introducing two new figure sets, still hot from the mold from Master Box Limited, Ukraine - These two new kits offer the modeler a variety of Panzertruppen tankers in new and different styles, circa 1943-1945.


For those modelers not yet familiar with Master Box Limited Model Company, a little family history first - they are a fairly new and upcoming model manufacturing company based in the Ukraine. The company originally started out production with a line of 1/35 scale armor subjects, offering the modeler a little more variety by producing the more 'obscure'', or decidedly different plastic model subjects.

The company has now branched off into the production of figure sets, and this inbox review is an examination of their two new releases.


The kits are each named simply, "German Tank Crews, 1943-1945", kit numbers 1 and 2 respectively. Both kits are offered to the modeler in medium weight cardboard boxes, open-end style. Keeping with MBLtd. Tradition to date, the boxes are covered with rich, full color illustrations of the model subject on the box front, while on the rear of the box is the assembly instruction diagrams as well as color photos of the finished figures, used in a suggested model setting.

Both kits are injection molded, using MBLtd's plastic formulation, which is very easy to work with. Wonderfully clear detail is prevalent on both of these kits, with not a speck of flash or unsightly mold seams on the parts. I must note that a lot of attention has been paid to minute detail of these figures, and upon closer examination you will find that each figure is original in itís own pose, facial expression, and uniform design detail.

Kit number one contains four figures in all, 27 separate parts on one sprue, molded in white plastic - a very unique set of characters and poses! All four figures are intent on repairing their damaged tank, three men seemingly in a serious conversation of this matter, while the commanding officer looks on slightly unpleased by his pose and facial expression! This is an extremely refreshing and creative set of figures that will make an excellent basis for your next damaged tank dio or vignetteÖa very pleasing set in all aspects.

Kit number two contains three figures total, 22 parts on one plastic sprue, molded again in white plastic. An additional smaller sprue containing 11 kit parts to build an optional ammo box with ammo is also included in this kit. The two tankers seem to be being questioned or challenged by the commanding officer in this sets scenario - one man is holding a live round while the other is crouched upon his machine, restocking the holds of their Panzer - another really cool setting!

As far as painting and finishing these two sets, you're basically on your own, as the company does not offer any color scheme suggestions for either kit, just the photos and illustrations on the kit boxes. But a little research will help the modelers who are not familiar with this time frame of uniform color and style. Personally, I enjoy the additional challenge of matching up the color and uniform styles for accuracy in the desired situation.


Overall, these two new figure kits from Master Box Limited look to be another fine addition to their growing line of model kits. With exceptional detail, clean and clear molding, and some really great poses, these kits come highly recommended from this modelers point of view.

Many thanks to Alex Surzhenko, Director of Master Box Limited, for providing these review samples sent promptly overseas from the Ukraine.