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DML/Dragon 1/35 Panzer Crew, LAH Division, Russia 1943

DML/Dragon 1/35 Panzer Crew, LAH Division, Russia 1943

Kit No. 6214
MSRP: $6.95

By Ray Mehlberger


This is the latest kit of figures from DML Dragon. It is of five panzer crewmen of the LAH (Liebstandarte Adolf Hitler) SS Division.

What's in the box?:

The kit comes in an end-opening type box. The box art is by Volstad. It shows the five crewmen supplied in the kit in camouflaged uniforms. three are wearing headphones and a third figure is holding them in his left hand. three are also wearing throat microphones. two figures are seated and the rest are standing.

The back of the box has full color assembly and painting instructions, which include scrap paintings of two different cammouflage patterns: plane tree No. 5 summer pattern and Oak Leaf "A" summer pattern. A side panel shows two other figure kits in the DML line. These are their German Command Staff figures and the Falschirmjager 8cm Mortar team, Italy 1944.

The kit contains one tree of medium gray parts and a small sheet of paper with two combat maps printed on it, in black and white, to 1/35th scale. This will benefit from being colored with coloring pens. There is a small brass PE fret that holds straps for the headphones and throat microphones.

The parts tree holds the parts of the five figures. They are divided into separate heads, torsos, arms and legs. Two of the figures can be assembled with either complete legs or short parts - one cut off at the knees and the other at mid thigh. There are three side caps and two peaked hats, earphone ear-pieces, four Walther P-38 pistols in holsters and a pair of binoculars. (52 parts).

The brass PE fret holds eight parts, four headphone straps and four throat mike straps.

These figures can easily be incorporated into most any vehicle that the LAH used. The molding is DML's usual high quality.

Highly recommended.

I bought my kit at my local hobby shop.