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Internet Modeler Editorial: References

Internet Modeler Editorial

By Bob Pearson

One subject that comes up time and again is research materials. More to the point, the accuracy of them and which is 'best'. I am lucky enough to actually work on many of these references and I must say that it is both an honour, and also a little bit scary to think that work that may be done late at night, with little source material, or even be a best-guess, will become accepted wisdom solely due to having been in print. So, just how does one decide who, or what, to believe?

Until the time machine is perfected, almost every reference will have errors. They may be due to incomplete information, misinformation, or. . and this is the real biggie. .. a deadline. A perfect example of this is a book that we originally finished almost three years ago, but has yet to see print. . just last week the author sent me some new information in the hope I could correct a small detail we missed originally in an illustration. In the overall scheme of things this isn't much, but it does show that there are those out there to whom the sharing of knowledge is paramount, and that is the biggest hope for the future of research.

Who or what is best? It depends on what is desired, and what the level of interest a person has in a subject. I once thought my library of two WWI aviation books was acceptable, now, at over 300 I still see major gaps in my knowledge. As you gather various references, a pattern may begin to emerge in the material becoming far more selective as opposed to the broader strokes of beginning research in a field. Both approaches have their place. . the general history serves to introduce the beginner to a subject, while the more selective titles will provide one who has delved into a subject with what they require.

This can be seen amongst attendees at any seminar, conference or even mailing list/chat room, the newcomer will ask anything and everything. The more seasoned will assume that everyone has the same basic knowledge and it is not necessary to state the obvious - however this approach may cause him to miss out on something that the beginner may bring with him that was missed by the more seasoned person.

So, in the end, they all have their place, and it is up to each person to decide the relative merits .. some may have poor text, but great photos that are in a reasonable package. Others may be loaded with textual information, but lack photos. Is one better than the other? Only you can decide.