Army Colours & Disruptive Camouflage in the United Kingdom, France
& NW Europe, 1936-45, by Mike Starmer, published by the author, no
ISBN, 32 pages
This is the best possible reference for modellers of British equipment
at home and in Europe not just tanks but artillery and softskins
too for the whole of WW2. It includes verbatim transcripts of the
official instructions, and the official diagrams showing the patterns
to be used. These are general examples, not specific instructions
for the different tank types, so reference to photographs will still be
needed to model a particular tank. Their intention was to lay down the
principles to be followed and modellers can follow the same principles
quite easily. All the paint colours used are explained and shown by accurate
paint chips, and the book includes enamel mixes to create them. These
are from Humbrol and Revell paints, but it will be a straightforward process
of trial and error for modellers to match them using other enamels or
Excellent, and very, very highly recommended!
Available from Mr Starmer at 18 Hillside Road, Piddington, Northants,
NN7 2DB, UK for £10.00 plus £1.00 postage in the UK or £2.00