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  2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
  3. Are you sure that the database server is running?
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  1. Are you sure it exists?
  2. Are you sure there is a valid database connection?

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Czech Mini Master Resin 1/144 Douglas C-33 & C-39

Czech Mini Master Resin 1/144
Douglas C-33 & C-39

By Jim Schubert


C33 Parts

C39 Fuselage

C33 Decals

C39 Decals

The history of the DC-2, of which the C-33 and C-39 were the most numerous military derivatives, was well covered in the review of the first CMMR release of their DC-2 in US civil markings; the review of that kit appeared in the February 2005 issue of this magazine. The C-33 was a staff transport and was, in most respects, identical with the later civil DC-2. The C-39, on the other hand, incorporated many DC-3 components and was nicknamed the "DC-2 1/2" (not to be confused with CNAC's actual DC-2 1/2). the fin and rudder are the most noticeable differences from the early series.

The Kits

Substantively, these two most recent issues are identical with the earlier releases with details, colors and markings changed as required. The C-33 kit has decals for two planes: one overall bare-metal and another with O.D. over gray camouflage scheme. The C-39 provides the same two choices but for different USAAC units.


Two more great kits from Czech Master Resin in their new Czech Mini Master series.