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HaT 1/72 WWI Russian Infantry Heavy Weapons

HaT 1/72 WWI Russian Infantry Heavy Weapons

By Grzegorz Mazurowski


By 1916, the Russian Empire was no longer controlling territories of Poland, but they still had a great army, which was just beginning to be pretty well equipped. In early Summer, General Brusilov launched a main offensive on the central and southern sections of the front. This offensive was very much different than earlier Russian ones: Russian infantry was supported with the various artillery and trench heavy weapons more than ever before. Heavy and well-prepared artillery fire devastated Austro-Hungarian and German field fortifications, allowed the infantry to break the enemy lines on the 80 km wide front, and to advance about 70 km to the West. Some types of the trench heavy weapons used in that offensive can be found in this set.


HaT's set of Russian WWI Infantry Heavy Weapons contains four identical light grey sprues, each with 25 elements including 20 figures of soldiers and officers and five parts of the three heavy weapons: Maxim HMG and two different trench minethrowers: 47mm "Lihonin" and 58mm. The plastic used is much harder than the usual "soft" one - it is said that this kind accepts paint much better than the "normal" one. Casting quality is very good and there is no flash visible.

Although this set is designed as a "supplement" for the earlier "WWI Russian Infantry" it was apparently designed by a different sculptor. The level of detail on the soldiers is good, but slightly worse than in the "Infantry" set: figures in the "Heavy Weapons" box are a bit "softer". On the other hand, figures are in very good, realistic poses, and are excellently useful for both wargamers and for diorama builders - can be used even as the crews for weapons other than those provided in the set, for example for the cannons, which are available on the market most often without the crews. Weapons are rather accurate, but not extremely detailed - it seems that this set was more oriented on the wargamers, not the serious diorama builders. Choice of the weapons is very good and interesting: besides obvious Maxim HMG we've got two cool minethrowers, very good looking and so typical for the WWI trench warfare.


This is a very interesting addition to the HaT's WWI Russian Infantry set, figures may also be used on various dioramas (including aviation ones, as there are some officers and a telephonists in this set) Moulding is good, soft plastic better than usual, uniforms and equipment are accurate and only the level of detail is not very high, especially on the weapons. If you want the best 1/72 Maxim on the market, you should still look for that old Esci WWII Soviet set, but these minethrowers are good and nobody else is producing them.

Thanks to HaT for the review sample!