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  2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
  3. Are you sure that the database server is running?
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Mike Grant Decals Sukhoi Su-25K Slovakian Air Force

Mike Grant Decals
Sukhoi Su-25K
Slovakian Air Force

Reviewed by Tracy Hancock

I will admit that I'm not a big fan of jets, but I do like the Frogfoot and when this sheet came across the desk my eyebrows went up a bit. With the greens and browns of the airframe, the colorful artwork on the fin really stands out nicely.

Available in both 1/72 for the Italeri, Zvezda, Revell and KP (Kopro) kits and 1/48 for the Revell/Monogram release, the sheet features the beautiful buffalo artwork for the tail as well as the National insignia and fusleage markings for the Slovakian Air Force. Also contained is a scrap view of the dorsal fin intake, which must be added to the Monogram kit; as well as a web address for an online article on improving the excellent Revell/Monogram kit.

As with other Mike Grant decals, these are printed with a solid carrier film, requiring that each element be cut out separately. The instructions also caution against the use of Solvaset, recommending milder solvents like Micro-sol and Micro-set, but suggest that even these should be tested first.

This is a very nice sheet, with everything printed well and should be a real eye-catcher when completed.

I would like to thank Mike Grant for the opportunity to review this sheet.