Pavla 1/72 SM.79 Sparviero Detail Sets
With the release of Italeri's 1/72 SM.79 Sparviero, it was only a
matter of time before we saw some excellent detail sets for the kit.
Pavla has come out with a couple of accessory sets for this kit, and
these resin sets will help improve the looks of the Italeri kit.
The first set deals with the interior. This set starts out with a new
replacement cockpit, complete with seats, a new floor, bulkheads, and
accessory panels. Also provided are new control columns and rudder pedals,
as well as a new instrument panel. A replacement vacuformed canopy helps
show off this new detailed interior. Also included in this set is a rear
fuselage detail set, which is mainly the gunner station.
The second set covers the exterior. In this set you get three nice
resin engines, with separate exhausts and intakes. The engine assembly
also comes with a rear plate to fit into the cowling, providing something
for the resin engine to mount to. Also included in this set are a couple
vacuformed clear pieces for the under fuselage gondola and the rear cockpit
hump. Rounding out this set are a pair of nicely detailed resin wheels.
For those who want to detail up their Italeri SM.79, these sets are a great
way to go. For a little bit of work, you will end up with a nicely detailed
model. My thanks to Pavla Models for the review samples. |