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    Error establishing a database connection!
  1. Are you sure you have the correct user/password?
  2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
  3. Are you sure that the database server is running?
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    Error selecting database shb1_200_1!
  1. Are you sure it exists?
  2. Are you sure there is a valid database connection?

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Maquette 1/35 Russian Gun Limber

Maquette 1/35 Russian Gun Limber

Kit. No. MQ35009
MSRP: $6.95

By Ray Mehlberger


Most field pieces have a way of carrying their ammunition along with them. In a lot of cases it was a limber wagon. Maquette (of Russia) has produced one that the Soviets used.

What's in the box?:

The kit comes in a small, but very blousy, tray and lid type box. The box art consists of a black and white drawing of this limber.

Inside the box is a single tree of white parts and two individual dark green wheels. This tree holds: ammo box parts, steps, seat parts, arm rests, the axle, and the towing yoke etc. One part (which appears to be a gun shield) is marked as excess. (30 parts)

A small, single sheet, with an exploded drawing and a parts tree illustration serves as the instructions.


Except for the over-sized box and the small amount of plastic you get for your bucks, I recommend this kit to go with kits of Soviet field pieces.