ICM 1/35 German Tank Crew (1943-1945)
Kit no. 35251
ICM is a brand name that is not readily available in my home town's
hobby shop. Plus, this particular kit has been discontinued. So, when
I saw this figure kit while on a trip to New Jersey, I bought it.
The four figures are posed as bailing out of a knocked out panzer and
two of the figures look wounded. These unique poses turned me on.
What's in the box?:
kit comes in a end-opening type box. The box art shows four panzer crewmen
exiting a Pz.Kpfw. III. One figure is carrying a wounded fellow crewman
on his back and another figure is helping a crewman who is down on one
knee and holding his chest. A truck and what appears to be a burning T-34
are in the background.
The rear of the box is the painting and assembly guide. It includes
scrap paintings of German uniform insignia.
Inside the box is a single tree of light gray parts. There is also
a single sheet that has a parts tree drawing on one side and a Humbrol
paint listing on the reserse side.
single tree of parts holds the parts of the four crewmen. They are divided
into separate heads, torsos, arms and legs. There are two field caps for
two of these figures. The third figure has a bare head and the fourth
one has a side cap molded into his head. There are P-38 pistols in holsters
for all four crewmen and a single MP-40 machine pistol.
I think this kit will make a great diorama patterned after the box
art. The figures are very well molded, right down to the tank assault
badges on the breasts of two of them. Highly recommended.