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    Error establishing a database connection!
  1. Are you sure you have the correct user/password?
  2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
  3. Are you sure that the database server is running?
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    Error selecting database shb1_200_1!
  1. Are you sure it exists?
  2. Are you sure there is a valid database connection?

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Polar Lights Klingon D7 Battle Cruiser

Polar Lights Klingon D7 Battle Cruiser

By Michael Benolkin

The Kit

On the heels of their TV version of the Star Trek USS Enterprise NCC-1701, the folks at Polar Lights have released the dreaded Klingon Battle Cruiser. Molded in light gray plastic, the model is a simple build. The extra tree with chromed parts caused me to pause a bit, but if you don't want chrome on your cruiser, you can paint over them.

I build the kit according to the instructions, but as I wanted a model with fewer seams, I cemented the parts together, used model clamps to hold more challenging parts together, then sand and fill the seams as required. Optional parts and markings are also included to render the Romulan version of this cruiser as well, but my build is 100% Klingon.

I debated the chrome parts and decided to leave them alone for now. With the model assembled, I painted the model Light Ghost Gray per the instructions. Next I applied a mixture of Ghost Gray with Violet per the instructions and painted the dorsal sections of the bridge and main structure.

Once the model was dry, I cleaned up the chrome parts from any overspray and then heavily washed them with a black oil wash. I also applied this wash to the grillwork on the leading edge of the main structure. The resulting contrast adds detail to the appearance of the completed model.

I applied a coat of Future to the model and applied the decals as indicated by the instructions (though you do have the option of using the enclosed stickers instead). While the decals were setting, I painted the stand flat black and set it aside.

The final touch was to apply one last coat of Future with a bit of Tamiya Flat Base to dull the shine and protect the decals.


The final result is a nice-looking Klingon Battle Cruiser that looks great on the shelf with my Polar Lights Enterprise NCC-1701 and my Bandai Enterprises (NCC-1701A, NCC-1701E and NX-01). Okay, so I'm a Trekkie...

This model will be fun for adult or young modeler alike!