SQL/DB Error -- [
    Error establishing a database connection!
  1. Are you sure you have the correct user/password?
  2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
  3. Are you sure that the database server is running?
SQL/DB Error -- [
    Error selecting database shb1_200_1!
  1. Are you sure it exists?
  2. Are you sure there is a valid database connection?

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SQL/DB Error -- []
Griffon Model Accessories New Releases

Griffon Model Accessories New Releases

By Matt Bittner

Griffon is a relatively new aftermarket company based out of The Czech Republic. The majority of their new releases are in 1/48th.

GRF48026 Vickers K (GO) machine gun

GRF48027 LF-107 Lunak photoetch set for the Modela kit

GRF48028 Wheels for F. Barracuda Mk.II Special Hobby kit

All resin is extremely well cast and the photoetch is top notch. All in all some excellent looking aftermarket products.

Our thanks to Griffon for these review samples.