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Rising Decals 1/48 Nakajima C6N1 Saiun

Rising Decals 1/48 Nakajima C6N1 Saiun

By Chris Banyai-Riepl

This is the first release from a new decal company out of the Czech Republic, and it is a wonderful start to what hopefully will become a long line of Japanese aftermarket decals. This sheet offers markings for the Nakajima C6N1 Saiun and is designed for the Hasegawa kit (a similar set, designed for the 1/72 Fujimi kit, is also available). There are two options, both from the 762nd Niko Kokutai, 11th Teisatsu Hikotai, based at Katori AB in Japan between January and March 1945.

Paraphrasing the instructions, in the spring of 1945, during reconnaissance flights over the Marianas, some of the Katori-based Saiuns carried an interesting marking, the so-called 'Z' flag. This flag represents a letter Z in the Naval alphabet code. In 1905 during the battle of Tsushima, the 'Z' flag was the insignia of Admiral Togo's fleet. As a symbol of victory, the same flag was used by the Japanese during WWII.

This flag is featured prominently on the two aircraft portrayed on this sheet. The aircraft carried this emblem on both the fuselage sides and at the top of the vertical fin. There is some question about the color of this flag, specifically the top section. According to the instructions, some sources say it was white, while others say it was yellow. Rising Decals have provided both options, so the modeler can choose.

In addition to the flags, the decal sheet provides a full set of hinomarus as well as two sets of serial numbers, allowing you to build either 762-13 or 762-20. Both are finished similarly, being green over gray with a black cowling. The decals are well printed with excellent register. Only the light blue of the flag is slightly off, but I had to look pretty closely to see it. Printed by Tally Ho!, these decals should be no problem whatsoever in application.

This is an excellent way to start a new decal line, and I hope Rising Decals continues to release quality decals like this. Visit their website for ordering information.