Condor Decals 1/72 Sukhoi
Su-25 Frogfoot
Close air support has always been a strong point in Soviet aviation,
ever since the days of the Il-2 during World War Two. The latest iteration
of the Shturmovik is the Sukhoi Su-25, which saw service in Afghanistan
during the 10-year war during the 1980s. The Su-25 also was exported to
several Warsaw Bloc countries, including Czechoslovakia. This decal sheet
provides markings for three Su-25s: one Czechoslovakian, one Iraqi, and
one Soviet.
with the Czech example, this Su-25 is the specially painted example, with
a spotted camouflage changing from dark to light colors fore to aft. On
the tail is a caricature of a frog smashing a tank with a hammer. The
aircraft has a number of 9013 on the nose, and a complete set of stenciling
is included, along with the roundels.
The Iraqi Su-25 is finished in a standard desert scheme, consisting
of a three-color camouflage on the upper surfaces and a solid light blue
gray undersurface. Iraqi national markings are carried at six points,
with the Iraqi national flag on the tail. Arabic numbers for the nose
round out this scheme.
The final option is an Su-25 of the VVS, operating out of Bagram, Afghanistan
in 1988. This plane has a nose number of 29 and features a charicature
of a bird on the nose, alongside five white star kill markings. This plane
is camouflaged in a standard Soviet scheme consisting of three color uppers
over a light blue gray.
This is a good decal sheet that offers some very interesting schemes
for the Su-25. My thanks to Condor Decals for the review sample. Check
out their website for more great decal options.