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Red Star Volume 14: Mil Mi-8/Mi-17

Mil Mi-8/Mi-17

Red Star Volume 14
By Yefim Gordon and Dmitriy Komissarov
Midland Publishing, ©2004
ISBN 1-85780-161-X
Softbound, 128 Pages
Available from Specialty Press for $29.95

Reviewed by Chris Banyai-Riepl

After the Second World War, a new arena of aviation exploded on the scene, that of helicopters. As the Cold War increased tensions worldwide, both sides developed many useful helicopter designs, along with new tactics to employ them. While the histories of Western helicopter designs are generally well known, those of the Soviet Union have remained shrouded in mystery. With the collapse of communism in Russia, though, archives have opened up, and previously inaccessible records are now open to researchers. The people behind the Red Star series by Midland Publishing have taken advantage of this openness with this latest title detailing the history of probably the most useful Soviet-era helicopter, the Mi-8/17 family.

The first Mi-8 first flew over 40 years ago, and the type shows no signs of slowing. Easily the most prolific helicopter of its type, with over 11,000 currently built. Additionally, the Mi-8 has the distinction of being the only helicopter to be used in every single role a helicopter could be used for, from transport to attack. This one of a kind helicopter deserves a good book about its life, and this title provides just that. Starting with its origins in the mid-1950s, this book covers the development and initial production of the Mi-8, as well as the second generation development and creation of the Mi-17. Operations are also covered, along with a section on the helicopter in detail.

In addition to the text there are ample photos throughout, both in color and in black and white. Many tables are also included, covering just about anything you would want to know about the Mi-8/17. A small selection of drawings is also presented. This is an amazing amount of information packed into a small number of pages and will be an invaluable reference for the new Trumpeter 1/35 Mi-8/17 kit that is due out this summer.

My thanks to Specialty Press for the review sample. Check out their website for this and other great titles in the Red Star Series.