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Academy 1/32 F/A-18C "Operation Iraqi Freedom"

Academy 1/32 F/A-18C "Operation Iraqi Freedom"

By Frank Anselmo

Recently, Academy has re-released their “2003 Kit of the Year”, the 1/32 scale F/A-18C Hornet, with markings from “Operation Iraqi Freedom”. The decal sheets for this kit were printed by Cartograf in Italy and are of outstanding quality to say the least. The sample sheet provided is in perfect register, with stenciling on the sheet being far superior to that of the original kit. The stenciling on the data blocks are very clear when put to a magnifier, as opposed to blurred lettering in the original release. So what do we get on this new sheet?

First, we get the CAG and the CO aircraft from VFA-105 “Gunslingers” from the USS Harry Truman. Mission markings for both of these aircraft are provided which include a HARM missile launch, JSOW launch, as well as laser guided bombs. When you look at these markings you will notice that the month, date and year of the launch are placed on each weapon. Reference for these markings can be found in “U.S. AIRCRAFT & WEAPONS OF OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM” by Bert Kinsey and is available in the recently release kit from Revell of the 1/48 scale AV-8B Harrier kit. Markings are also provided for the top and the back of the helmet of the pilot figures for these aircraft, if you choose to use them.

Also available is a line aircraft from VFA-105, only with the normal gray markings, as opposed to the full color markings of the other two aircraft from this unit. Weapons launches as well as the dates are also provided.

Next we have an aircraft from VFA-27 “Royal Maces”. But, instead of weapons launch info on the front of the fuselage, they have “BEAT ARMY” on the left, and “GO NAVY” on the right in obvious reference to preference in the annual Army-Navy football game.

Finally, the last set of markings is something that most modelers have been searching for, and that is a set of markings from a Marine Corps unit that has participated in this military action. The CO’s aircraft from VMFA-232 features full color markings and include the weapons that were launched from this aircraft in full color as well. Reference for this aircraft can be found in “Air War Iraq – Operation IRAQI FREEDOM by Lou Drendel.

Also included in the instruction manual is the “Lot” number where each aircraft was produced. This coupled with the information that Dave Roof provided last year will help you determine whether to use an “Early” or “Late” version cockpit.

The timing of release and the quality of the decal sheet makes this kit a very welcome addition to a modeler’s collection. A very big thank you is extended to Model Rectifier Corporation for providing a sample copy of this decal sheet and to Academy for selecting these markings.