J3M Raiden 'Jack'
Mushroom Model Magazine Special
Yellow series, No. 6110
Author: Robert Peczkowski
ISBN 83-916327-7-6
Squadron Price: $17.97
This is the latest book from Muchroom Model Magazine. It is in their
6.5" x 9.5" soft cover format for this series of aircraft books.
This new book covers the pugnacious Japanese 'Raiden' fighter, developed
at much the same time as the famous Zero and by the same team. However,
the emphasis for it was on speed, rate of climb, and heavier armament.
These were radical departures from the usual Japanese emphasis on light
weight and manoeuverability. Given the Allied code name 'Jack', this fighter
was slow to appear in JNAF service, but frorm 1943 onwards gave the Japanese
Navy an effective interceptor whose importance escalated as USAAF attacks
on the homeland intensified.
The book describes the technical development of the Raiden, and illustrates
all versions with photos and plans. The J2M2 Model 11, J2M3 Model 21,
J2M4 Model 32, J2M5 Model 33 and the J2M6 Model 31 are all discussed.
There are 80 pages in the book, 36 wartime black and white photos,
94 pictures taken of the sole remaining Raiden in a museum (these are
walk-around type pictures and we are never told where these were taken
- too bad). There are 34 full color side profiles and two of these are
two views with the top shown also. There are 25 black and white line drawings
showing various parts of the Raiden's anatomy and four tech data tables.
Quite a bit of information!!
This book will be an invaluable reference source for Japanese aviation
enthusiasts, modelers and historians. Highly recommended.
I want to thank Roger Wallsgrove, Mushroom's Editor in Chief, for this
generous sample.
The book is available in the UK for 9.99 pounds, or direct from the
publishers at 11 pounds post paid (UK & Europe only) at the address below:
Tel: +44 1582 792126
Fax: +44 1582 794590