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Tristar 1/35 German Tropical Panzer Crew

Tristar 1/35 German Tropical Panzer Crew

Kit No. 009
MSRP: $12.95

By Ray Mehlberger


Tristar (Hong Kong) is a fairly new kid on the block, as far as models of military figures. They have, so far, concentrated their efforts on just German WWII figures. This new kit is their latest release.

The kit is packaged in an end-opening type box. The box art shows four Afrika Korps figures riding atop a Pz.Kpw. II. These figures were sculpted and designed by Yoshitaka Hirano.

Inside the box is a large cello bag that contains two trees of parts that are further sealed in their own individual cello bags. Both parts trees are molded in a medium green shade of styrene.

The larger of these two trees holds the parts for the four figures. Three of these figures are broken down as separate heads, arms, torsos and legs. The fourth figure has his torso molded atop just his thighs & he is meant to be posed in a hatch on top of a tank turret.

Two of these figures wear light-weight tropical field service jackets. The other two figures are wearing shirts with the sleeves rolled up. These same two figures are wearing pants that are gathered at the ankles and over low type shoes with hob nailed soles. Both these figures are seated and one of them has his head bandaged, is holding his cap in one hand and a cigarette in the other (which you are to make from streched sprue or whatever). The standing figure is wearing riding breeches and knee-high laced up boots. He is also carrying a MP-40 sub-machine gun. The fourth figure, as said earlier, is designed to be put into a turret hatch and his body ends at his knees. Two of the figures are wearing side caps. The standing figure wears a peaked cap. The fourth figure, as mentioned before, is bare headed. There is one alternate extra head provided.

The rest of this largest parts tree holds: a canteen, two pistols in holsters, a pair of sand goggles & an MP-40 ammo pouch. (33 parts).

The smaller of the two parts trees in the kit holds weapons and personal gear. You get three Mauser 98K carbines, three MP-40 sub-machine guns, four steel helmets, four gas mask canisters, four mess kits, one P-38 pistol, a pair of binoculars, and four other things that I cannot identify. At first I thought these last items were bayonets in scabbards, but scrutiny under a magnifying glass does not bear that out. Anybody have a clue as to what these odd things are?(24 parts).

Assembly & painting instructions are printed on the back of the box in full color. Colors are called out from the Gunze Sangyo, Tamiya and Humbrol brands of paints. Thank goodness we get a listing of what these colors are and not just numbers. Thank you Tristar. There is also some small scrap paintings of what the uniform insignia should look like and be painted.


All in all a nice effort and nicely molded. A bit of a twist from the usual European Theatre uniforms we see on most German WWII figures and really welcome to those of us that like to model the Afrika Korps.

My only reservation is that I think this kit is slightly overpriced by 2-3 dollars over what their competitor, DML, charges for a similar set of four figures. Otherwise highly recommended.

I bought my kit at the local hobby shop.