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DML Dragon 1/35 German Sturmpioniers, Kursk 1943

DML Dragon 1/35 German Sturmpioniers, Kursk 1943

Kit No. 6174
MSRP: $9.00

By Ray Mehlberger


During the last year DML has been re-boxing, re-numbering and re-issuing their figure kits. I just bought a second kit of this one, that I got several years ago, due to these new kit numbers now used.

This re-release was originally marketed as kit No. 6024 and two of the sprues in the re-release are identical to the first kit - right down to the 6024 molded onto the sprue frames.

The original issue was an end-opening type box with the instructions on the back in full color. The re-issue is in a tray and lid type box with the instructions on a sheet inside, again in full color. The instructions changed slightly. The original ones gave us some black and white line drawings of the flame thrower, some pouches and the mine detector.

The new instructions have ommitted these. Both the old and newer kits share the identical box art by DML's resident artist Volstad.

The largest parts tree in both kits is identical, except for the color of the styrene used. The original kit was molded in a garish orange shade and the newer one is in light gray.

This parts tree holds the parts of the four figures. They are broken down into separate arms, legs, torsos and heads. Also on this tree are: four steel helmets, a flame-thrower, four bread bags, four canteens,two shovels of different sizes, two gas mask canisters, a stick grenade, various pouches, a bayonet in scabbard, one mess kit, and a land mine detector. (60 parts)

In my kit this tree was jammed into the box, as the box length was a little short. This bowed the tree slightly but does not seem to have hurt any of the parts on it.

There is a second identical, small parts tree in both kits. It holds three 98K carbines.

The third parts tree in the later kit is brand new. It holds: four bread bags, four steel helmets, four alternate heads (although these are in the form of only two different facial poses), two 98K carbines with slings molded on them, two MP-40 sub machine guns, one Falschirmjager assault rifle, one rifle scope, ammo clips for all guns, ammo pouches for all, four gas mask canisters, four mess kits, four shovels of different types - both in and out of their carrying pouches, a map case and three bayonets.

The instructions call out paints colors in the Gunze Sangyo and Italeri brands, but only by product numbers - and not what these colors are. This is one of my pet peeves with DML kits. Tell us the darn colors, not just numbers!!

The only other item in the latest kit is a calendar card. It has a color painting of a German soldier in an all-white quilted uniform carrying a MP-40. I suspect this is a copy of a box art of one of DML's 1/16th scale figures? The bottom of the card gives the calendar month of July 2003 (quite useless now) and a postage stamp color copy of the box art of DML's recently released and re-tooled Nashorn. I find this addition to the box quite strange.


The new kit retails for about two more bucks than it did at first, way back when. It is well worth the extra dough with that new parts tree in there.

The only reservation I had about this re-release was that the box could have been a little longer so as not to have had the largest tree jammed in there like it was. Otherwise highly recommended.

I bought my kit at the local shop.