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  2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
  3. Are you sure that the database server is running?
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Cutting Edge 1/48 F/EF-111 Aardvark & SparkVarks

Cutting Edge 1/48 F/EF-111 Aardvark & SparkVarks

Reviewed by Chris Banyai-Riepl

I don't know why, but for some reason the F-111 has always appealed to me. While the Hasegawa 1/72 kits have managed to keep my quite happy in that scale, this sheet from Cutting Edge has me eyeing the Minicraft/Academy kit. The sheet comes with markings for three aircraft, two EF-111As and one F-111F.

The two EF-111As are from the 429th ECS, 27th FW based out of Incirlik, Turkey for operations Provide Comfort and Southern Watch. They are finished in the standard two-tone gray camouflage, and both feature some interesting nose art. The first, serialed 666013, has a large and colorful pirate head, with the name "Yankee Air Pirate" written above it. It also carries the name "Duck" under the canopy. The second option is called "Strong Arm Tactics" hand has a painting of Batman with one arm outstretched. Either of these would make for an interesting EF-111A, and in addition to the nose art, a complete set of squadron markings and slime lights is included. There is also some extra serials provided for a generic 429th ECS aircraft.

For the F-111F, this plane comes from the 27th FW at Cannon AFB, New Mexico. The markings for this plane are for the farewell ceremony held at Fort Worth, Texas on July 27, 1996. Finished in overall dark gray, the tail has the yellow band with the word "Hounds" in it, and the usual squadron and ACC badges. Also present is a very large and colorful piece of farewell artwork on the nose, incorporating the Statue of Liberty and several ribbons denoting the operational record of the F-111. This would be a great F-111F to build.

The decals are up to the usual standard of Cutting Edge, with good register and color density. There should be no problems with application, and the interesting markings will make your next 'Vark really stand out. My thanks to Meteor Productions for the review sample.