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The Serious Modeller’s Guide to Canadian Centurion Gun Tanks

The Serious Modeller’s Guide to Canadian Centurion Gun Tanks

Canadian Armour Series Volume 1
By Barry Beldam
Distributed by Quartermaster’s Depot
ISBN 0-9734277-0-1
Spiral bound, 180 pages

Reviewed by Chris Banyai-Riepl

This is a great book, with a mass of information that is absolutely invaluable to Centurion modellers. It begins with a list of the various gun tank Marks stating exactly what was changed for each version. Then there’s a chapter of photographs, layout drawings, dimension plans and lubrication charts for Marks I, II and 3, a main component layout diagram for Marks 3, 5 and 6, and basic data for Marks I, II and 3, and then dimension plans and basic data for the Mark 11. That’s just the first 12 pages!

Next is 12-page armament chapter with technical manual drawings and photographs. This shows gun crutches, breech blocks, coaxial MG mounts, an other parts for the 17 pdr and 20 pdr guns. It also has drawings of all the main gun rounds from HE to practice, with details of their colours and markings.

The following chapters are just as detailed, and cover separately the turrets, hull layouts and details, fighting compartment interiors, ammunition bins, the engine, engine bay and transmission, and the suspension. After these there are internal and external stowage diagrams for Marks I, II and 3. Then there are 30 pages of photographs of Canadian Centurions, both detailed shots of preserved tanks and more general ones of tanks in service. Finally there’s a fold-out colour page with camouflage pattern drawings for both the first four-colour pattern and the 1969 NATO three-colour scheme, with FS numbers quoted for all the paints used.

This is an excellent reference for modellers of the Centurion Marks I to 5 in any service, not just Canadian. Highly recommended! Since this is Volume 1 we can hope for Volume 2 to cover the 105 mm Centurions not included here.

North American readers will be able to buy direct from Quartermasters Depot, and those in the UK can order from Barbarossa Books where I bought my copy. Although at the time of writing their website seems to be offline the telephone number is 01621 810810.