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Dragon 1/35 Panzergrenadiers "Wiking"

Dragon 1/35 Panzergrenadiers
'Wiking' Divison (Hungary 1945)

kit no. 6194
MSRP: $7.50

By Ray Mehlberger

This is the latest figure kit from DML Dragon (Hong Kong).

What's in the box?:

The kit comes in an end-opening type box with the usual box art by DML's resident artist Ron Valstad. The box art shows four German Panzergrenadiers walking past some battle damaged cottages behind a wood slatted fence. It appears they are out in the snow and are wearing winter gear. The back of the box is full color drawings of the front and rear of these four figures, with lines and numbers to the various parts of their bodies telling us what kit part numbers to use.

Colors are called out in numbers only for Italeri and Gunze Sangyo lines of hobby paints. I wish that DML would just go ahead and say what these colors are, and not the numbers. We all don't have conversion charts to tell us what these numbers are color wise.. and some of us have no access to these paint brands.

Inside the box are four medium to light gray trees of parts in two cello bags. The largest tree contains the parts for the four figures and their personal gear and weapons. This tree is cello bagged by itself. The tree holds: the figures separate heads, torsos, arms and legs, four steel helmets, four canteens, four separate coat hood parts, a pair of binoculars, a map case, a pistol in holster, two folded spades in carrying cases, a spare barrel holding tube for a MG 42, two potatoe masher type grenades, two bayonets in scabbards, two gas mask canisters, four mess kits, four carbine ammo pouches, four knap sacks, four pineapple type gernades and two ammo pouches for an MP 40 machine pistol. (68 parts) There are four smaller trees of parts in the kit. These are all in the same cello bag together.

All four of these trees are re-pops from earlier DML figure kits.

The largest of these smaller trees is from DML's kit no. 6002, which was labeled as Waffen S.S. (Ardennes 1944/45). It holds: one 98K carbine, one panzerfaust, one MP 42 heavy machine gun with two ground tripods (one closed and one extended), an ammo belt for the MP42 and also a snail drum plus some ammo cases, an MP40 machine pistol, a spare MG42 barrel carrying tube, and an MP 43 machine pistol. (14 parts)

The next small tree is marked as 6070. This was DML's earlier figure kit labeled as German Fallschirmjagers (Crete 1941). It holds: two 98K carbines and an MP 40 machine pistol with a separate folding stock. (3 parts).

The last two small trees of parts are identical. They are marked as having come from DML's earlier figure kit no. 6106, which was the Wehrmacht Infantry (Barbarosa 1941). These trees hold two each MG42 ammo boxes per tree. (10 parts per tree)


I like the separate hoods for the parkas that the figures are wearing. Two of the figures comprise a MG42 machine gun team with one fellow hefting the machine gun over his shoulder and carrying an ammo can and the other fellow carrying more ammo cans and the spare barrel carrying tube. The third figure is armed with the MP 43 and the fourth figure has a panzerfaust over his shoulder and a 98K carbine. All wear steel helmets and parkas. Two of the figures have their pants bloused into low boots. The other two do not.

Very nice poses and well sculpted. I'm sure these will find their way into many winter dioramas. Highly recommended.

I purchased my kit at my local hobby shop.