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Hobbycraft 1/48th I-16 Type 5 Conversion

Hobbycraft 1/48th I-16 Type 5 Conversion

By Peter Vill

The story behind this particular model started some months ago during a conversation involving Erik Pilawskii and some chilled Vodka, I had just taken delivery of a resin model of an I-16 and to be honest was very disappointed (Don't worry that particular kit is no longer available). Well the out come was that I decided to have a go at producing masters that hopefully would be produced and thus allow the modeller to accurately make some of the sub types of this famous little fighter using the Academy / Hobbycraft model as a basis.

This manufacturing project would also draw in and involve two of my long-term friends Bob Partridge and Andy Dealey (E. D. Models) together we would produce Correction / Conversion sets for the I-16 type 5, 10, 29 & an I-16 Cockpit detail set . The correction / conversions sets being marketed by "Air Waves".

The feature of this article is a pre-war type 5, I will not go in to the actual build process to any great detail as I don't believe in self-praise and would only refer all of you who are interested in the actual mechanics of the conversion and how it was rated by a fellow modeller to the excellent article by Aleksandar Sekularac which can be found on the "Modelling Aircraft of the Soviet VVS" web site. The Type 29 correction set is also the subject of a build article by Ira Cambell and is also available on the same web site.

The model uses two of the sets produced by "Air Waves" these being the type 5 conversion and the interior detail set. The type 5 set comprises of a set of outer wing panels of the pre-1938 production style, this allows the modeller the greatest choice of markings as the vast majority of type 5's produced carried this type of wing also included is an engine front cowl with vent shutter panel and an engine rear cowl complete with exhaust pipes in the correction location. For those of you who have an interest in such things the main difference in the two styles of wing are the number of ribs (or to be perfectly correct half ribs) on the upper surface, 11 on pre-1938, 22 on 1938 production wings, there being 11 ribs on the under surface on both styles of wing. The interior set is made up of such items as side walls, seat with armoured back plate, cockpit floor rails, wing spar, instrument panel X 3, control stick, rudder pedals and various other parts either in resin or cast in white metal.

As previously stated the basis of the conversion /correction was the Hobbycraft 1/48 I-16 whose only fault is that it is generic and does not represent any particular sub type of this lovely little fighter. The interior of the model is finished in Aluminium paint and this was decided upon after some consultation with Erik as one of the possible interior schemes in use at the time of the photograph (1936) while the components were finished in black and IMUP. The exterior was finished in Ae9 grey with the normal Black engine cowling and polished cowling band, the rather striking "Star Burst" on the tail was painted using "Deep Burgundy" and "Mustard Yellow". The star decals came from the rather large spares box that lives next to my modelling bench, the "Black 4" decals being printed by my good friend Erik Pilawskii.

The model represents Black 4 as flown by Mai. S. Proparenko commander of 162 IAP during 1936, unfortunately I have no other information about the pilot and can only hope that he lived to a ripe old age and died in his sleep peacefully unlike so many of his age group.