Yellow-Wings Decals
First Releases in 1/48

By Chris Banyai-Riepl

There is a new decal company on the scene and its focus, while narrow, is sorely needed. As the name implies, Yellow-Wings Decals will be producing decals for aircraft of the Golden Age, including Army Air Corps, Navy, and Marine Corps. I, for one, am surprised it has taken this long for a company to step up and provide aftermarket decals for this colorful era, and the list of upcoming releases from Yellow-Wings Decals looks to take care of this glaring omission in the decal world. While the first releases are in 1/48, their future release schedule has both 1/72 and 1/32 items listed, so there will be something for everyone.

The first sheets from Yellow-Wings Decals are for the Monogram 1/48 TBD Devastator, recently re-released. Both sheets provide codes and serials for several aircraft, a combined total of 24 aircraft, in fact. The first sheet includes aircraft from Torpedo Squadron 2 off the USS Lexington (CV-2) and Torpedo Squadron 5 off the USS Yorktown (CV-5). The second sheet covers aircraft from Torpedo Squadron 3 off the USS Saratoga (CV-3) and Torpedo Squadron 6 off the USS Enterprise (CV-6). The decals are printed by Microscale and are very well done. These will be a great option for the Monogram TBD kit.

Yellow-Wings Decals has made a great start in what should be a great product line, and I look forward to their next releases. Be sure to check out their website for more information, including what they are planning in the future. My thanks to Yellow-Wings Decals for the samples and press release information.

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