Lift Here! Decals 1/72 MiGs in Yugoslav Sky This is a limited edition decal sheet that is very impressive in the amount of research done. It covers the MiG-21, MiG-23 and MiG-29 in Yugoslav service, with twenty aircraft included. In addition to the impressive two sheets of decals, a 30-page booklet is also included, covering the history of the MiGs, colors and markings, and lots of diagrams showing placement and camouflage patterns. A couple photos are also included. Aircraft covered include the following: MiG-21F-13, L-12, No. 22501/501 - overall aluminum dope MiG-21R, L-14i, No. 26111/111 - overall aluminum dope MiG-21PFM, L-14, No. 22719/719 - green and gray over blue MiG-21M, L-15, No. 22819/819 - overall aluminum dope MiG-21MF, L-15, No. 22867/867 - overall aluminum dope MiG-21bis-K, L-17K, No. 17222/222 - overall light air superiority gray MiG-21bis-K, L-17K, No. 17225 - overall light air superiority gray MiG-21U (early), NL-12, No.22901/901 - overall aluminum dope MiG-21U (late), NL-12, No. 22908/908 - overall aluminum dope MiG-21US, NL-14, No. 22956/956 - overall aluminum dope MiG-21UM, NL-16, No. 16177/177 - overall light air superiority gray MiG-21UM, NL-16, No. 16158 - overall light air superiority gray MiG-21SMT, No. 21168, ex-Iraqi - sand and dark green over light gray MiG-21SMT, No. 21204, ex-Iraqi - sand and dark green over light gray MiG-23ML, ex-Iraqi - sand, dark earth and dark green over light gray MiG-23ML, No. 23269, ex-Iraqi - sand, dark earth and dark green over light gray MiG-29, L-18, No. 18114/114 - light gray green patches over air superiority gray MiG-29, L-18, No. 18107 - light gray green patches over air superiority gray MiG-29UB, NL-18, No. 18302/302 - light gray green over air superiority gray MiG-29UB, NL-18, No. 18301 - light gray green patches over air superiority gray With this many options it is understandable that there is not enough national markings to do every single one, but there should be enough to do two or three. With the interesting history of several of these aircraft, this is a sheet that those interested in MiG aircraft should not pass up. Check out the Lift Here! website for ordering information and other interesting Yugoslav decals. Our thanks to Lift Here! for the review sample. |         |