The Lavochkin La-5 Family: Addendum | | Last month I ran a series of radial-engined Lavochkin profiles, and due to an error in setting the page up, managed to leave off the captions. A couple of the profiles also had some errors in them, so this month I thought I would correct those errors and add a few more interesting planes to the bunch.  La-5 White 43 960 IAP-PVO May 1943, Moscow. Pilot Unknown Colors are AII black and green over AII blue. It is uncertain if the slogan was present on the port side.  La-5, White 15 3 GIAP VVS-KBF Winter 1943/44, Leningrad Pilot G. Kostylev As photographed in the early winter of 1943/44. The finish is likely to have been Wood Aerolak, but some new anecdotal evidence suggests a custom coloration of a lacquer made from a 50-50% mixture of AMT-11 and -12. It would look pretty similar. Note how this scheme differs from the museum example presented last month.  La-5F, White 20 159 IAP mid 1943 Pilot Unknown The only known Chkalov aircraft that is not an La-5, this La-5F is finished in AMT-6/4/7. Like many others in the Chkalov unit, It is unknown if the Collective text was on the starboard side.  La-5F, White 73 193 IAP spring 1944, Yassy Pilot Starshi Lt. Petr Maminov Finish is AMT-11/12 over AMT-7, with a very interesting red cowling. Also note the smaller fuselage number style.  La-5FN, White 36 159 IAP Leningrad, summer 1944 Pilot Unknown Corrected from last month, this La-5FN is finished in AMT-11/12 over AMT-7, with an interesting white rudder that features a red trim tab.  La-5FN, White C-13 Czech Air Force The colors on this post-war Czech La-5FN are similar to RLM75 over RLM 65. As far as is known, all of the Czech La-5FNs were repainted and did not use Soviet paints. Czech survivors reveal several examples of this dark gray color, which is similar to both RLM 75 and AMT-12. As the Czech aircraft industry had a great deal of exposure to German paints, it is understandable that their colors would resemble them. |          |