Aircraft of the Aces ˇ 44 - Gloster Gladiator Aces: Andrew Thomas, Osprey,
UK, 2002, ISBN: 1-84176-289X
Mushroom Magazine Special; Yellow Series - Gloster Gladiator: Alex
Crawford, Mushroom Model Publications, UK, 2002, ISBN: 83-916327-0-9
These books were released at about the same time and reinforce one another
very nicely. The Osprey book, naturally, focuses on the men who became
aces on the type. This focus, perforce, also includes a good outline
of the main operations involving Gladiators but largely excludes those
operations, which produced no aces.
The Mushroom book, on the other hand, focuses on the airplane and its
use in all of the various theaters of WWII and then accounts for the,
apparently, 12 survivors. I say "apparently" because Appendix
2 is very confusingly written. One survivor, perhaps the best known,
is Gladiator Mk.I, L-8032 (for awhile misnumbered K-8032), civil registration
G-AMRK, which has been regularly demonstrated aloft during the Shuttleworth
Trust's Flying Days at Old Warden since 1967. It is the only Gladiator
that is currently airworthy.
Here then is a tabular comparison of the contents of these two excellent
paperback books for aviation enthusiasts:
Front Cover:
Color painting
Two color profiles
Back Cover:
One color profile and one B&W photo
Two color profiles
Color Profiles:
40 on ten pages;no top, bottom or opposite side views
32 on 14 pages; Three with both sides; ten top views, three top
and bottom views
Color Photos:
B& W Photos:
Gen'l. Arrangement Dwgs:
Isometric Dwgs:
3, plus 3 tables
Numbered Pages:
print and paper qualities of the two books are nearly identical. There
are, however, quirks in Mushroom's color profiles: The serial numbers
are a bit skinny compared with the photos, the roundel proportions in
many instances are a bit fat, color saturation is generally weak and the
hues are off the mark. The dark green Chinese Gladiators, for instance,
are rendered as a dark gray. Osprey's color is, on the whole, better
than Mushroom's.
If you're only going to buy one of the two as a modeling reference -
get the Mushroom book; it is much better value for a modeler's money.
Not being restricted to the Osprey's "Aces Formula", the Mushroom
book is much wider ranging on all counts except "Aces". The
Osprey book illustrates and comments upon Gladiator operations of: RAF,
FAA, RAAF, SAAF, China, Sweden, Finland, Greece, Norway, Belgium and Iraq.
The Mushroom book illustrates and/or comments upon Gladiator operations
of those users plus Egypt, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Free France, Portugal
USSR and Germany.
I've been a big Gladiator fan since I first visited Old Warden in September
1969 and did a "Photo Walkaround" of L-8032. For model builders
the old (mid 1960's) Inpact (subsequently Pyro and Life Like) kit is the
only one in 1:48 scale and it is excellent. My only quibbles with it
are the light fabric "texture" and the too thick trailing edge
of the engine cowling. In 1:72 scale the Heller kit is far superior to
the old Airfix offering. There are rumors that some other manufacturer
will soon release another 1:48 scale Gladiator. When/if that happens
I have asked the Publisher of this magazine to allow me to review the
kit. It'll have to go a long way to beat the Inpact/Pyro/Life Like kit.
These are both quite good books. On balance, the Mushroom book is the
better value for a model builder. Other Gladiator references a modeler
must have include Profile No. 98 (Red Series), Camouflage and
Markings No. 5 - Gladiator, Gauntlet, Fury, Demon -RAF Northern
Europe 1936-45 and the book - On Silver Wings by Alec
Lumsden & Owen Thetford. Can any reader suggest any other "Must
Have" Gladiator references? I would really like to hear form anyone
who can recommend additional references.
The review copies were purchased at Emil Minerich's Skyway Model Shop
in Seattle.
