Sky Models' 1/72 German Aircraft in Italian Service SKY72024 Having done a few Bf 109 profiles in the past, when I saw this decal sheet at the local hobby shop I was intrigued. Italian 109s were always an interesting subject for me, so I bought the sheet and hurried home. I could tell that there was lots of decals on this sheet, but it never registered just how many there really were. A total of 42 aircraft are depicted on this decal sheet, with 17 Bf 109s, 17 Ju 87s, three Fi 156s, three Ju 88s, one Do 217 and one Bf 110. These are split between the Regia Aeronautica, the ANR, and the Co-Belligerent Air Force. Below is a list of included aircraft: Bf109s: Bf 109G-6, 365a Sq., 150° Gr. Aut. Ten. G. Carillo, Sciacca 1943; Bf 109G-6 70a Sq., 23° Gr. 3° St., Cerveteri, 1943; Bf 109K-4 2° Gr. Caccia, ANR, Aviano 1945; Bf 109G-10, 2a Sq., 1° Gr. Caccia, Ionate Pozzolo, 1945; Bf 109G-6, 364a Sq; Bf 109G-6, 154a Sq., 3° Gr. Aut., Comiso, 1943; Bf 109G-14, 5a Sq., 2° Gr. Magg. Bellagambi, Osoppo, 1945; Bf 109G-6, 1a Sq., 2° Gr. Caccia, Serg. Magg. Cavagliano, Aviano, 1944; Bf 109G-6, 5a Sq., 2° Gr. Caccia, ANR; Bf 109G-10/AS, 4a Sq., 2° Gr. Caccia, ANR, S. M. Baldi, 1945; Bf 109G-10/AS, 4a Sq., 2° Gr. Caccia, ANR, Cap. Ugo Drago, 1945; Bf 109G-14, Nucleo Comando, 2° Gr. Caccia, ANR, Magg. Miani, Aviano, 1945; Bf 109G-6, 3a Sq., 2 Gr. Caccia, ANR, Serg. Magg. Pacini, Villafranca, 1944; Bf 109G-6, Nucleo Comando, 2 Gr. Caccia, ANR, Cap Spigaglia, Villafranca, 1944; Bf 109G-6/AS, 3a Sq., 1 Gr. Caccia, ANR, 1945; Bf 109G-14/AS, 1a Sq., 1 Gr. Caccia, Serg. MAgg. Svanini, 1945; Bf 109G-6, 365a Sq., 150 Gr. Aut., Sciacca, 1943 Junkers Ju 87s: Ju 87R-5, 239a Sq., 97 Gr. Aut., Cap. Cenni, Libya, 1941; Ju 87D-3, NVST, Lecce 1944; Ju 87D-3, 207a Sq., 103 Gr. Aut. 1943; Ju 87B-2, 209a Sq., 97 Gr. Aut., Cap. Zanazzo, 1941; Ju 87B-2, 238a Sq., 101 Gr. Aut., Ten. C. Seganti, Yugoslavia, 1941; Ju 87B-2, 96 Gr. Aut. B.a T., Sicily, 1940; Ju 87R-5, 239a Sq., 97 Gr. Aut. B.a T., Serg. Magg. Tarantola, 1940; Ju 87R-2, 208a Sq., 101 Gr. Aut., Cap. Zucconi, Sicily, 1940; Ju 87B-2, 236a Sq., 96 Gr. Aut., 1940; Ju 87D-3, 216a Sq., 121 Gr. Aut., 1943; Ju 87D-3, 207a Sq., 121 Gr. Aut., 1943; Ju 87R-5, 209a Sq., 97 Gr. Aut., 1941; Ju 87B-2, 101 Gr. Aut., 1941; Ju 87B-2, 239a Sq., 97 Gr. Aut., 1941; Ju 87B-2, 239a Sq., 97 Gr. Aut., Serg. Tonelli, 1941; Ju 87B-2, 209a Sq., 97 Gr. Aut., Serg. Bartolomasi, 1941; Ju 87B-2, 237a Sq., 96 Gr. Aut., Libya, 1941 Other Aircraft: Bf 110C-3, 235a Sq. C. N., Guidonia, 1943; Ju 88A-4, Nucleo Speciale Addestramento Bimotori Junkers, 1943; Ju 88A-14, 63a Sq., 29 Gr., 9 St., 1943; Ju 88A-4, Nucleo Speciale Addestramento Bimotori Junkers, 1943; Do 217J-1, 235a Sq., 60 Gr., 41 St., Cap. Ammannato, 1943; Fi 156C-2, North Africa; Fi 156C-3, Fronte Orientale; Fi 156C-2, North Africa As you can see, this one decal sheet will give you a very complete Italian WW2 collection, but it will take a while to build them all. I know that I'm going to have to get me a couple more Fi 156s and I don't know how many Ju 87s. Even if you only want to do one or two of these planes, though, this sheet is well worth the money. |           |