The setting is 1939; the place is somewhere in Nazi Germany. William
Messerschmitt and Ernst Heinkel are at war. No, not a World War as that
is yet to come, but a war of world records. Attempts at the absolute speed
record pitted these two giants of the aviation industry against each other
at a time when the fledgling Luftwaffe was just getting back on it's feet
and starting to rebuild. Heinkel and his He-100 had bested the best at
the world speed record, in an attempt to best that, Messerschmitt designed
the Me-209V1, a bare bones record attempt plane designed without a radiator
to minimize any protrusions that would cause drag. The plane was according
to it's pilot Fritz Wendel, quite an unpleasant aircraft to fly. But fly
it did and on April 26, 1939 broke the speed record, which was to stand
for almost 30 years. All that remains is the fuselage in a Krakow Poland
The Kit
kit is great, simple in construction, well thought out and executed in
resin, along with white metal undercarriage, skid and control stick. The
fuselage is a two-piece hollow casting, complete with sidewall details
and even an attempt at locating pins. The one-piece wing has just about
pushed the limits of the art of casting, thin trailing edges almost cut
paper and smooth surfaces and fine panel lines, moving surfaces are accurately
represented with distinctly deeper lines.
tail planes are cast as one unit; the left side was cast a bit thicker
than the other but was left, as not to destroy the surface detail, it's
barely noticeable. The Instrument panel is resin as are the rudder pedals.
The white metal landing gear is nicely done, but they are a knock-off
of the Hasegawa Me-109 gear and end up looking a bit chunky. I used a
pair of Monogram Me-109 gear legs instead.
decals are printed by MPD; they must be associated with Propagteam, as
the finish and thinness are identical.
Rounding off the parts are two clear vac canopies, but not super thin
so these are easier to work. Only one canopy was useful, the other had
a vacuform egress nub directly on top, in a most visible spot. The only
needed items are seat belts, but that's easy to remedy.
I started with the cockpit, which was Spartan, as was the original,
painted a very light gray as per instructions, trim wheel and sidewalls
picked out in grays and blacks,
controls highlighted and washed. The seat belts came from an Airwaves
etched sheet; seat and stick were the last items to be put in place. No
weapons were on this craft hence no gunsight.
The fuselage halves were checked for flatness by lightly rubbing on
sandpaper on a glass plate, no problems were encountered joining both
halves together. All panel lines lined up between halves. Wings are one
piece and fell into place with little work, some small air bubbles appeared
on the leading edge and were filled with Zap-a-Gap and sanded. The wheel
wells are well detailed with solid locating holes for the gear. The wheels
provided look like those found on a later G or K series Me-109, wide and
without spokes. Since this plane flew in 1939 I gave it wheels from an
E series plane that only seems more appropriate.
rudder is separate and a bit of fiddling helped to mate it to the tail
plane. The only other area which requires a bit of attention was the mating
of the cowling to the main frame, it seems it was never supposed to blend
in with the smooth lines of the nose so I left a bit of a step. Cleaning
up the spinner and backplate was more tedious than I thought; carving
the propeller blade holes was needed to get them and the backplate to
fit well.
This is the first airplane that I didn't have to worry about what camouflage
scheme I was going to do. Seems all Messerschmitt's world attempt planes
were painted in Messerschmitt blue, a.k.a. RLM 24 Blue to be exact. Here
I used Testors RLM Blue; it looks a bit better for this scale than the
other brands I had available. Decals went on without a hitch, I would
however recommend painting a white band on the tailplane where the Red
band appears. The decal will darken when applied over the blue too much.
trimming of my only canopy reaped benefits and fit perfectly. All in all
the construction of this kit was better than most injection kits and certainly
provides me with an unusual addition to my Messerschmitt line up. Also
available is the V-4 version, which was an attempt to use the 209 as a
combat plane. A complete failure, but an interesting modeling subject.
Hands down a great looking plane and kit, along with a couple hick-cups
in assembly, nothing that someone with a resin kit or two can't overcome.