When the Douglas AD Skyraider entered service in the mid-1940s, it
came along too late to fight in the Second World War. Starting life as
the XBT2D-1 Dauntless II, the aircraft received a new designation and
name as it came off the production lines in El Segundo, CA - the AD-1
The Skyraider would not have long to wait before entering combat - it
saw service in Korea a few short years later. In the early 1960s, the
then Defense Secretary Robert McNamara enacted the directive for a common
aircraft designator system between the US armed forces. After the changeover,
the AD-5 became the A-1E, the AD-6 became the A-1G, etc.
The last of the USN Skyraiders was the A-1J (AD-7), featuring a more
powerful engine, strengthened landing gear, nuclear capability, etc. Despite
the capabilities of the A-1J, the Navy was moving swiftly forward with
their jet-powered attack fleet based on the A-4 Skyhawk and A-6 Intruder.
In fact, the Skyraider would be one of the last piston-powered developed
for the US Navy.
As the Navy continued to modernize during the mid-to-late 1960s, the
United States was becoming more involved with the conflict in Southeast
Asia. The USAF had also been focused on modernizing their aircraft toward
the strategic nuclear threat. The SEA conflict left the USAF lacking in
close air support capabilities, so they pulled a number of A-26 Intruders
out of mothballs and 'borrowed' a group of Skyraiders from the Navy. These
aircraft served in a stopgap role until a more permanent solution could
be fielded. Ironically, the only aircraft that could adequately replace
the load carrying capability and low-level survivability of the A-1 was
the A-10 Thunderbolt II.
The Kit
When Tamiya released their A-1H a few years ago, their kit was instantly
the best Skyraider available in any scale. Because the A-1H and A-1J were
very similar, Tamiya was able to reuse most of the parts from its A-1H
release. What is new in this release is the Yankee Ejection Seat, an impressive
array of ordnance (everything short of the kitchen), and USAF markings.
As is trademark Tamiya, the kit is molded in light grey plastic featuring
very finely molded details, scribed panel lines, and an impressive array
of detail parts. As I mentioned before, this kit is virtually identical
to the earlier A-1H release, the parts trees are identical except for
the change of crew seats. The old pilots seat has been replaced on the
sprue with the Yankee seat. Two new parts trees are also added containing
the SUU-11 gunpods (2), LAU-68 rocket pods (2), Mk.117 750lb bombs (2),
and Mk.82 500lb bombs (10). Six fuse extenders are also provided.
As you can see from the parts scans, the Tamiya kit provides a wealth
of detail inside the kit and out. Despite the apparent complexity of the
kit, assembly is very straightforward and the fit is extremely nice. I
haven't heard of anyone requiring filler on the A-1H release, so I would
imagine that nothing has changed with this version.
Engine details, for instance, are the best of any Skyraider kit produced
in any scale. The kit features the cowl flaps open, a nicely executed
exhaust stack header, and a choice of open or closed intake shutters.
Another innovation that Tamiya has been introducing into its kits is
present here as well. Larger external stores, such as the centerline and
wing external fuel tanks, have poly caps installed inside the mounting
holes to provide some 'give' when the kit is jostled about. The design
engineering in this kit is very much the signature of current Tamiya products!
Tamiya provides markings for two aircraft: both from the 602nd SOS/56th
SOW. Aircraft 42-014 is a commanders aircraft wearing the air commando
stripes, and aircraft 42-029 'Sock it to em'. A very nice touch with the
decals is that Tamiya included the propeller tip markings as decals, and
even provided the Navy-standard red/white tips as well as the USAF yellow
I'd recommend this kit to any builder with some building experience.
There are no difficulties in construction, but given the number of parts
involved, some building experience is recommended.
My sincere thanks to HobbyLink Japan
for this review sample!